Chapter Fifteen - Christmastime

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Christmas was upon us as was my progress in my pregnancy. We all readied ourselves for the festive season. I broke off to bring up my food. The sickness was the worst of it all, I would be fine one minute and vomiting the next. That was the roughness of it. I went to seek some quiet in the study but Ross was there.

"From Francis." Ross stated holding what I assume was letter "Inviting us to spend Christmas at Trenwith."

"Oh." I mumbled and he looked up at me as I made my way further in to the study with the aim of sitting down.

"What is it?" he questioned and I shake my head

"Nothing, i'm just feeling out of sorts, you should go though." I sit myself down across form him.

"Naturally we both go or we both stay." he came over holding my cheek "You do not feel warm."

"Tis probably a winter chill. It will pass." I brushed it off with the small lie.

"How about we go and see how you are, if you start to feel any worse we will return at once." he offered and I sighed, there was no way I was getting out of this.


We sent our things ahead of us and we made the walk to Trenwith. As we did we passed Wheal Leisure.

"What a sorry sorry Christmas I've handed them." he mumbled

"No. You've handed them almost 12 months of work they would not have had." i insisted, he glanced at me then back at them as we continued on our way. We arrived not long later and Verity came out to greet us.

"Welcome." she beamed then too me inside. i handed my cloak over and entered. Last I was here i was a different woman. Now I was a wife. Elizabeth came out. I curtsied to her.

"My dear sister, it is so good of you to come to us. Come I will take you to Aunt Agatha." she came and took my hands and guided me away as she once did when we were little girls. I sat down across from Aunt Agatha making small conversation.

"Married you say? To my nephew? Why wasn't I told any of this?" Agatha scowled at Francis

"You were, Aunt. I told you myself." Francis drawled

"Little Abigail all grown up and married to my nephew." she smiled and then glance away "You could have done much worse. Six generations of Poldarks I have seen, now what do you think of that?"

"That you are not old enough ma'am." I smile making her laugh

"Quite right too. I like her." she beamed "Now go sit next to Elizabeth so I might get the new measure of you."

"Aunt Agatha." Verity protested.

"Go on." I stood and moved to sit next to my sister. She may have liked me but as usual  I was compared to her.

"Mm, beauty has become you. A mite course beside Elizabeth but doubtless she'll polish up sufficient. When the need arises." Elizabeth took my hand and gave it a small squeeze. I subtly pulled away and rested my hand over my other


I sat on the bed of our room holding my stomach defensively, I could whether any storm but being compared to my sister or even the thought of it made me go on the defensive even if there was no offence. There was a knock at the door and Ross answered it. he was handed a box and I smiled a little. I stood.

"What's this?" he wondered

"just something i ordered form town." he place it on the bed and went to open it. but I slapped his hands away with protest.

"No, Ross it's a surprise." I stopped him from seeing what I had commissioned

"It's a just a family party, no need to fig yourself up for it." he replied. I rolled my eyes at his response, of course he would think that. But for once I was falling back into old ways.

"It customary to change for Christmas eve. Now leave it be." I scowled as he put on his jacket. He shrugged my comment off and left. I then rubbed my face in irritation. I made my self mostly ready when Verity came in.

"Nervous, that is all I can say. I mean this is what i feared a night being in comparison to her." I breathed

"Come, I will lace you up and not make it to tight." she guided me away from the dresser. "Trust your husband and yourself." we heard a knock

"Visitors at this hour."

"You go. I can take it from here." she looked unsure but I nodded encouraging her. Once she was gone I finished dressing myself and made my way out. From where  I stood I was not seen or heard but I could hear them talking. I heard that dinner was served and I made byway downstairs and into the company of everyone. I heard my fathers words to stand tall and proud and not show anyone how nervous you were to be around them. Ross was one of the last to enter and see me. He smile coming to take my side

"Abigail." he took my hand and kissed it "You look beautiful." He complimented which put me more at ease. We all sat down to dinner and I was put with Sir John to make conversation while Verity sat with Ross. I was laughing at something Sir John had said.

"Damn you, Ross, for keeping such a rosebud a secret." John turned his attention to my husband.

"Hardly a secret John. All the county was talking of her in  June." Ruth Teague commented

"Yes, people dearly love to gossip, don't they?" I fired back with a sweet smile

"Ha. Well said mistress. A Merry Christmas and damnation to all gossip." John raised his glass. I poked around with my food not feeling like eating a mortal.

"What news of the mine Ross?" Mr Warleggan wondered "Are we swimming in copper yet?"

"Not according to my father." Sir John answered

"We have reason for optimism ." Ross replied with a hopeful smile though i could tell that It was full of apprehension  and worry.

"Glad to hear it, Ross. At least one of us is prospering." Francis commented. Sir John and I continued to talk when Ruth couldn't leave it alone again.

"How do you manage for servants, Elizabeth? Mama and I were only saying young girls these days have such idea's.  Always trying to rise above their station." I turned to her with a scowl.

"I haven't noticed that. Perhaps you've been unlucky." My sister replied.

"Well, at least I have my own household. My poor sisters all lack husbands. And truly, beyond the age of 23, what hope is there?" Ruth attempted to joke.

"I don't believe there is ever cause to give up hope. Elizabeth what was it Papa always used to say." I glance at my sister

"Hope is a lady greatest feature." Elizabeth recited

"Yes. Sometimes its just a matter of waiting" I added  taking a sip of wine

"And seizing the opportunity when it comes. I bow before your expertise ma'am." she retorted, trying to get under my skin which I refused to let her do.

"And what that might be, wits and charm." Sir John snorted next to me then covered it up with a cough "There is no need to be jealous Ruth, not all are adaptable and robust as born lady Chynoweth."

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