Chapter Sixteen - Can't help falling in love with you

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I wretched up what little I had to eat and drink then laid on the bed to compose myself before returning downstairs. Just as my sister finished playing the harp.

"Mistress Poldark, now you must play something for us."  Ruth insisted upon my re-entering.

"Abigail, I had the harpsichord brought in for you to play." Elizabeth smiled joining in but I felt that it wasn't meant with malice as Ruth's was. I knew she hoped that I would finally fall flat on my face and give her some satisfaction.

"Of course." I agreed and sat down. It had been years since I had played but when my fingers touched they keys I began to play and sing.

Once the song came to an end I turned my gaze upwards and towards Ross, he was the first to clap joined by everyone else except Ruth who looked annoyed.


The Warleggan's, Ruth and Sir John had took their leave. I was now sitting across from my sister.

"Thank you, for...for helping me with Ruth Snoutface " I say, she takes my hand in hers and squeezes tight

"Abigail, I owe you an apology." she replied stunning me "After Papa passed, I knew all I had left was Mama and in needing her comfort I shunned it away from you. What I did may have been in the smallest of ways but I know it hurt you and for that I apologise.". I blinked, for years I wanted her to acknowledge that she was in the wrong, despite the circumstances. I never thought it would come.


"Thank you...sister."


The next morning, Ross and I stepped out of Trenwith house and turned to our family. We were to return home.

"Merry Christmas." I say

"Merry Christmas." they smile. I hug the both of them and then take Ross' arm to leave.

"That wasn't so bad was it." Ross commented making me roll my eyes. We walked along the cliff shoreline.

"I hope you won't live to regret your choice in husband." Ross sighed

"Why would I?" I wondered holding on to his arm tighter

"We may soon be destitute." he admitted

"There are other treasures in this world that are worth more than money." I answer. Just then the bell from the mine started to ring, causing us to stop. "What is it? A rock fall?" I question letting go. Ross took off running and I followed on quickly behind.

"What happened?!" Ross called

"Copper and monstrous Copper load has been struck!" came the reply. Ross dropped to his knees in shock and happiness. I rested my hands on his shoulder beaming.

That night I sat in bed, something had been bawling at me all day. I don't know why it mattered now but the feeling to ask overtook so I did.

"Your not ashamed of me are you, for my standing up to Ruth Trenigloss ?" I wondered. He looked back at me.

"Why do you think i married you?" he questioned back

"I don't know." I answered honestly. That truth had still eluded me though it had been months since our union. His reasoning behind it baffled me.

"To satisfy an appetite? To save myself from being alone? Because it was the right thing to do?" he came and sat on the bed with me "I had few expectations. At best you'd be a distraction. A bandage to ease a wound. But I was mistaken. You've redeemed me, I am your humble servant and I love you." My heart was filled with sorrow before it burst with joy at his words. He kissed me softly.

"I hope you have some love to spare?" I say in a quiet voice

"For what?"

"Our child." i told him with a broad smile, which he returned in kind.

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