Chapter Thirty Two - Strained

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Things between Ross and I were now strained in our relationship. Demelza and i made some bread rolls so that I could take them to the workers at the mine. Demelza sang softly as we made them then packed them. I grabbed my coat and walked the short journey to the mine. Ross helped me hand them out and a saved some for Prudie and Jud.

"Do ye think you can buy us off with faggons?" Jud grumbled as he sat lazily watching the world go by.

"Hush, ye black worm." Purdue scolded "Captain Ross already be looking after we, by turning a blind eye to us living in his barn."

"So he know we live here?" Jud asked me

"Of course he does." I scoff as Jud takes some food out of the basket.

"Bless him for it. And bless you too. An curse ye, you miserly maazerly mongrel." she hit him around the ear then took  my arm and walked with me "I you leather the arse of him." I chuckled in amusement.


Demelza, Jinny and I were all cooking when Ross returned home. I gave his a soft smile as he closed the door behind him.

"You should be getting home Jinny. Kate will be missing you. Demelza and I have it from here." she nodded and dusted her hands off.

"How is the child Jinny?" Ross wondered

"She's better now, Captain, sir. Dr Enys say 'tis not the putrid throat after all." Jinny answered as put the pie in the oven and closed the door.

"That is a mercy." Ross replied

"Tis, sir. Only this week there is three dead of it in Sawle." I then put some things in a basket for her and the family, it was nothing much but it was better than nothing.

"Here take this for yourself and Jims mother." I handed it over

"Thank you and thank you for keeping me on. I know you can scarce afford it." She replied

"If what we did what we couldn't afford  no one would get out of bed." I smiled. Jenny took her leave.

"Oh my memory. Dr Enys asked me to run somethings back down from when you hurt your hand." Demelza sighed

"Go, I'll finish the rest." she ripped her hands and left as well The boys babbled to each other.

"I'm sure them two have their own language." I chuckled to myself

"I would be long before they're yapping like Garrick." Ross softly jested then noticed a letter "What's this?" I cleared my throat.

It' from Verity" I answered. He took the letter into the study and I wiped my hands and followed. He read over the letter.

"She seems content. Your experiment ended well." he commented when he finished

"And yours?" I wondered

"Carnemore Our hopes are pinned on tomorrows auction. We've scraped enough Capitol to bid high. If we get sufficient Copper, we'll survive. If we had more Captiol, we'd stand a better chance." he heaved a sigh. I sat beside him

"Let me help. We could raise the mortgage on Nampara." I suggest

"Already raised." he answered

"I could speak to Pascoe. Papa left me an inheritance, it's not officially due for another couple of years but I could ask. Or you could see my broach and my best dress." I offered

"We're not so desperate  you must beg for an early release or that I steal the gown off your back." he denied and i frowned

"I want to help, make amends for the damage I've done." but he did not take any of my offers. Ross grabbed his things.

"I'll be back tomorrow and stay at the red lion." he told me as he headed to leave

"All will be well. You will win your bids, get all the copper you need and Carnemore will be safe." He mounted. The boys and I stepped back, Ross rode off

"Bye, bye Papa. Can you wave, look." I showed them and the didn't seem fussed to copy "Come, my loves" the three of us headed back inside.

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