Chapter Fourteen - Others Happiness

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That night I sat up in bed combing my hair as Ross was getting undressed. I was almost consumed by my thoughts, so I decided to voice them in an attempt to ease them.

"That navy man that used to meet Verity here." I voice sitting up on my legs while still coming through the small knots.

"Captain Blamey?" Ross replied

"Has nothing been heard or taught of him?" I wonder staring into the fire. The flames danced in the night of the small room maligning them enchanting to the eye.

"Thankfully, No." he answered which made me scowl and turn my attention to him fully and breaking my connection to the naked flame before me.

"Ross, shame on you." I removed myself from bed to put my comb away.

"What do you mean?"

"How could you let them be parted like that, its down right cruel." I scold him. Did he really fail to see the effect that it had on Verity. Even I knew that before the two of us ad reconnected.

"What could I have done?" he wonders

"You should have stood up to your uncle for her. Even now in her heart I can she has feelings for him." I inform him. The obviousness that he really not noticed the sadness about her, the different to a loss of a family member?

"She will stop."

"Why should she, must her hope be buried? And her rare love denied?" he turned around. I stood straighter, becoming more defensive over his cousin.

"What do you know of love?" he questioned as he crept towards me.

"As much as any woman, we are more smarter than you men are lead to believe." I smirk gracing  my lips.

"Is that right." I hummed nodding, he then pushed me onto the bed and i shuffled up "Then you must show me." he leaned into kiss me and I wrapped my arms around him.


Verity was kind enough to take me to have some new dresses made 'more befitting my return to rank' Or as I would call it dresses for occasions where I was not apprehensive to attend. I tried not to spend too much. I had a new fondness for not spending to much money and well, it wouldn't be wise to do so. The two of us rode back to Nampara.

"Must you really go home tomorrow?" I question

"Francis needs me. But I'll come again soon. Did you really dislike today?" she inquired, I knew she had picked up on my apprehension about purchasing the new items of clothing.

"It's not that. I'm just worried we spent to much and it will be all for naught." I admitted glancing at her. right now only Demelza  and Jinny knew of my news.

"How could it?"

"Only that my measuring will not be the same for long." she caught on to what I was implying. I was with child, me Abigail was going to be a mother.

"My dear are you saying...oh Ross'll be delighted." she beamed

"Oh, please don't tell him yet. I have only just found out myself and I am afeared that something will go wrong. I have no guidance in the matters so I am settling that it is a journey I must experience alone." I added

"You are not alone, not ever. I promise you that." she assured me.


The next afternoon Verity had returned home and the house was quiet once more. That was until I heard the mine bell ring. My head snapped to Demelza and Jinny in confusion then I dropped what I was doing and ran out, conveniently as Ross returned

"I heard the bell what is amiss?" I questioned

"We must leave at once." I hesitated "What is it."

"Nothing, nothing it's just...." I left the sentence in the air, the thought of announcing the news now and that being slightly afeared of the mines fumes  was terrible timing and I knew I had to come up with something.

"What's the matter?"

"Sometimes I think I don't get things right and makes you...displeased" Oh of course I had to bring this up right now. But it was the only thing that came to mind.

"I am used to giving orders and having no one to suit but myself but you are far from displeasing to me." he admits

"And how would I know that?" I folded my arms

"I'll endeavour to make it clearer. We must go, make haste." I let him lift me up and we rose out and down to the beach instead.

"They finally came in." I breath out and jump down running to help bring in the hoard of pilchards. Basket after basket I brought and talked animatedly with the people who came to help. Once they were all ready to be moved on things settled  down. Ross and I watched them bring the boats in.

"A good catch, eh Mark." Ross commented to one of the miners and friends that worked for him.

"Handsome, Ross. More that a quarter of a million, they reckon, afore they're done." Mark answered  as he helped the other bring in the last boat for the evening.

"It will make all the difference this winter." Ross replied

"Twill indeed.Night Ross, Night Ma'am." Mark nodded which I returned

"Night Mark."

"Night Ross, Night Ma'am." the all said their goodnights to us and then we headed home. More people along the way were giving us their goodnights.

"Everyone's happy tonight." he thought out loud.

"Humm, they like you." I replied


"It is true. I know them, i have been like them for years." I respond "You're a gentleman, you don't despise them, you help them. You give them food and work and..."

" and marry you." he interjected

"I doubt they know what to make of that just yet." I assumed " But they like you just the same." he stopped us and leant in for a kiss which I happily gave.

"And what about you? Do you like me?" i pretended to think about it

"Eh, I could learn to." I joked making him smile and we started walking again

"And I you." I leant my head on his shoulder for a little while, taking in the days events and what was to come for us in the future that had yet to be known to him.

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