Chapter Nineteen - Verity's Happiness

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The guests had finally departed and I was now sat back in the kitchen holding Henry, while Jonathan slept. Ross came to sit down across from me, but not before picking up Jonathan and appraised me of what was going on. Apparently Mark had fallen for one of the traveling actresses and the only way she would stay was....

"Find her a home, within a week?" I question incredulously

"How?" Verity wondered

"Why?" I added completely baffled

"It's the condition of her agreeing to marry him." I sighed thinking about it. Mark was a nice man and if she made him happy.

"Well, you could help them. There the cottage at Mellin." I suggested. It was in a bit of a state like most places.

"It's in no fit state to live in?" Ross replied

"Does she love him?" I wonder.

"She says so?" he answered. Verity wanted to help around the kitchen so she was back and forth with the conversation.

"Does he love her?" she asked

"Besotted." I saw the look come over her. My heart broke for what she deserved but was ton from her by those who thought they knew better.

"Then they should marry."  I state


"Love should conquer all." I declare. A sense of propriety, tradition and wealth often stood in the way of happy and prosperous relationships.

"On the country. Some obstacles cannot be overcome. And should not for the peace of all concerned." I mentally sighed. He broke so many rules marrying me but heaven forbid anyone else do it. I may not know Mark that well to intervene but I know Verity and I know that without Captain Blamey right now she is miserable. That I would not settle for.


"Will you be gone long?" I wonder as Ross moves around picking up things he needed and putting them into his satchel. He was trying to drum up some money to keep Wheal Leisure going and I was on a mission to gauge the situation between Verity and Captain Blamey.

"As long as it takes to raise capital to buy out nervous shareholders" he gave me a sweet kiss before making his leave. I handed Jonathan off to Demelza and grabbed my cloak and lifted up my hood. Then made my way to the door in time to see Ross riding off and Jud watching him leave.

"Are you ready?" I question

"Well, pick me liver! What's the blathering rush? Sneaking and sliding and slithering about. Tint' right, tint' fit, tint proper."  he grumbled in response

"We must be gone and back by five or the boys will suffer. Now stop your complaining and lets get going." I head out, Jud was accompanying me and watching guard. We arrived near the harbour and I dismounted. I had gained the knowledge where I would find the Captain and called in. I was shown to his room, where I waited. As I did my resolve faltered. I was so set on doing this that I hadn't thought of the Captain, what if he didn't feel the same way as Verity anymore. That thought made this the worst idea I had probably every come up with. I stood on the edge of leaving when the door opened and in stepped the Captain.

"May I be of service to you Ma'am?" he questioned

"My name is Abigail Poldark." I told him Nodded in recognition, of my last name at least.

"Did Verity send you?" he wondered

"No. She's no idea I'm here, no one does." I answered  which in hindsight was probably a bad idea but I did have Jud which was something.

"It was made clear long ago that Verity was not for me. I have since moved on, set my sights elsewhere." Well this was going well. I thought

"You're married." I breathed

"To my ship." he answered "To my profession. And all the better for it." he added.

"But..." he cut me off.

"I never think of her now. I'm sorry you've had a wasted journey." he stepped to one side and I sighed taking my leave and returning home.


I sat back with both boys in my arms when Ross returned home and like we had never left. I stared into the fire thinking about what had happened. I had been set on bringing them together not thinking of the hurt that they had suffered that brought them here and reluctance to go through it again.

"A good day?" I asked with a small smile. He came over and greeted me with a kiss, he lifted Henry into his arms.

"A frustrating day. At least our boys are  content." he commented pulling away and going to sit opposite me.

"Humm, they are." I beamed stroking Jonathan's  head.

"But you seem confined here, can you bare it?" he asked curiously

"Actually I find it suits me well, enough." I shrug stroking Jonathan's head as he slept. Jud entered the room giving his usual dirty look.

"Mark Daniel's just sent for ye, Captain." Jud told my husband and Demelza entered with a tray of tea and cups. She placed it beside me.

"It seems to be catching." Ross commented

"What?" I wonder turning my gaze back to him

"Recklessness." He stood and handed Henry over to Demelza before taking his leave. I sigh and shake my head as my friend sits across from me. She gave me a look.

"What?" I question

"You never said how it went with the Navy Captain? Will he return for Miss Verity?" she inquired and I shook my head.

"I think he was hurt too much like Verity by what transpired last time. He claims to no longer care and that he is married to his ship." I answer "This is all Francis and Charles's fault. They never once encouraged her to find a husband and when she finds one on her own, they ruin it for her."

"Are you sure you should be meddling? What if Mr Ross finds out?"

"How am I meddling? I'm trying to set something right. The men made a mess of it and Verity is miserable, everyone around her is young, married and happy. Is it too much to ask for the same. Besides I think he's the good sort. That and Ross won't find out from me, not by the standards of today anyway, it's not like there is anything to tell." I add.

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