Chapter Twenty Nine - Stupid Idea's

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Ross returned after talking with Mark and Paul, with the idea and notion that Mark should escape to where the constables and army couldn't get him.

"If we did it, it would have to be tonight. And from Nampara cove." he stated moving around the parlour.

"And on our boat? You know as well as I it not fit for the rough nightly ocean's he could hurt himself or worse be killed if he tried to." I retorted scowling at him and shaking my head.

"A resolute man could do worse in fair weather." Ross countered back, he was actually entertaining the idea.

"And where do you suggest he would go?" I folded my arms, this plan was mad, and dangerous.

"Ireland? Brittany." he suggested

"And the oars, oh wise one." my arms flailed about my voice raised slightly.

"Might find their way to the cove after dark." he sat down "Together with enough supplies to keep a man alive."

"It isn't lawful." I comment picking up my sewing and sitting down myself, I needed to do something that wasn't literally trying to knock some sense into him.


"Though it might be said that it would be some kind of justice." I partly reasoned, it didn't mean that I agreed with it, I just saw both sides. It was stupid and he should leave it well enough alone. We heard barking and I scowled in confusion. Ross stood up and went to the window.

"Go upstairs and change." he told me and I stood to see what he saw. Soldiers coming this way "And prepare to be the Lady of the house." I made my way upstairs and changed gowns. I saw the solders arrive and be greeted by Ross as I fixed my hair and made my way back downstairs.

"My dear, this is Captain McNeil. Captain McNeil may I present my wife Abigail." Ross chimed as I entered the parlour and took his side. Captain McNeil offered his hand and I took it albeit in a little shock

"The pleasure is mine Ma'am." he kissed my hand "Captain Poldark and I are old comrades . We were together at James River in'81." The Captain slapped Ross' arm.

"I see. Well it's a pleasure to meet you." I smiled charmingly.

"I understood he was aquatinted with the murderer and I wondered if he could give me any pointers as to where the felon might hide." His gazed fixed back on my husband.

"None that spring to mind. Though I don't imagine he'll linger." I slipped my arm through Ross' for both comfort and a sense of a united front, towards the comrade of his.

"Are there any boats, here about where he might escape?" The Captain wondered

"There are a few, mine included." Ross offered the truth, it's not like he wouldn't find out anyway. Ross was smart to include himself and be as little help as he could.

"Where is it kept?"

"In a cave down by the shore. But it couldn't be handled by a single man. Can I persuade you to stay for supper, Captain? My wife has made kidney pudding." Ross deflected and I gave a soft smile.

"Another time I'd be delighted. But if you'll oblige me by pointing out the coves hereabouts, I could search for the smugglers and the murderer at the same time. Two birds with one stone you might say." he declined

"My I offer you some brandy. I trust you'll be able to tell by the flavour whether or not the duty's been paid." Ross jested making the Captain laughed. He had one drink before he took his leave and we watched him good.

"You were that good. No one would have guessed you knew a thing." I commented as we watched the Captain leave

"Don't underestimate him. He's a lot smarter than he looks." Ross replied and the two of us headed back inside, "Now I must fetch the oars." it was then I remembered

"Oh, I forgot. This came from Trenwith." I handed him the note and he opened it "What does it say."

"As you may know, Verity left us yesterday for Captain Blamey. The are to be married today. Elizabeth." he read out loud. I hummed smiling a little.

"So she's finally done it." I thought out loud.

"I'd rather fear she'd might." he responded still looking at my sisters note.

"Why shouldn't they be happy together, if they love one another. Besides she deserves all the happiness in the world." I rested against the table as my husband looked confused

"Why 'as you may know'? Why should she think we would know?" he folded it up

"Maybe it's got about already. News like that can spread like wild fire." I shrugged it off.

"This letter is abrupt. They must be upset." he kissed my cheek "I'll call there on my way back from the cove. You'll be well enough here with Demelza and Garrick here to guard you?" I rolled my eyes

"I will be fine." he closed the door behind him and I sighed. Demelza entered once more.

"Are you alright?" she wondered

"Between Verity, my sister, mark, Captain McNeil and Ross. I feel a headache of worriment approaching." I tell her the look out of the window. "I feel a dangerous night approaching, Demelza and i will be damned if I'm not prepared." I head for the study and take Ross' bayonet then find what I need and load it. I rest it against the wall and help Demelza cook. During our preparation. Garrick began to bark like crazy as we heard movement. I grabbed the bayonet and aimed it at the door.

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