Chapter Thirty Four - Close to home

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Demelza said nothing when we both returned home together. She served our food then went to have her own.

"There is sickness at Trenwith." He told me. I hummed and stopped eating

"Geoffrey Charles had it worst but I believe the crisis is past."  I reply  then had something to drink.

"That is a relief. I may never forgive Francis but I would not wish the putrid throat on my worst enemy." he voiced. I stopped eating and placed my knife and fork down

"Ross. I promised that I would not keep a secret from you again." he looked up at me

"And so."

"I went to Trenwith, when I learned of what was going on." I told him, he adjusted in his seat as he let what I told him sink for a moment before replying.

"And they turned you away." he assumed

"No. I stayed all last night and most of today, nursing them back to a decent health." I continued "I was returning from there when you were coming home.

"In Gods name, why?"

"I had to. It was my sister and nephew. And you know brother in law. They were all so sick, even the servants, they had no one to tend upon them. Geoffrey Charles was so weak. Twice I thought I lost him. But thankfully this morning he came round and Dr Choke stated that the worst was over." I explained

"I cannot believe you would do..." I cut him off

"And what would you have done? What did you do for Jim." I retorted and that silenced his protests.

"You're right. It was kind and generous act; perhaps in a fortnight I'll be in a mood to appreciate it." he replied and went back to his supper dropping the subject and leaving us in silence once more.


Jonathan woke me up in the middle of the night. I tried to settle him but he would not relent, I tried to warm his cold self up as his brother slept soundly.

"Put on a robe or you'll catch a chill." I heard a sleepy Ross mumble

"I'm hot, he's the one that is cold." I reply, a little irritated. I feel dreadful and my crying son only made it worse.

"Bring him to bed." I shushed Jonathan and laid him down next to his father

"My throat is dry. I'll get some water." I moved to the desk and poured a glass. I drank the whole thing with no breath then poured another glass.

"What is it?" Ross inquired taking my side

"My throat is swollen." I told him and he moved some of my hair back and he checked me over concerned

"You have a rash." I hummed my yes feeling heavy. "Demelza! Demelza!" He yelled waking up Henry who cried.

--3rd Person--

Demelza jolted awake hearing the yells for her name and jumped out of bed and ran upstairs, into Ross and Abigails room. She saw that Ross was cradling and passed out Abigail. Then heard both boys were crying.

"What? What is it?"

" Run for Dr Enys. Abigail's sick. Go, Go now" she nodded and ran off she grabbed her cloak and shoes before stumbling out the house fixing everything on before breaking into a run. She banged furiously on the door.

"Dr Enys! Dr Enys!" she yelled and he soon opened the door.

"Demelza, what's wrong?" he questioned

"It's mistress Abigail, She needs you, right now." she breathed heavily holding onto her knees. Dwight nodded and  gathered his things. He and Demelza rode back on his hoarse back to Nampara, where he was shown up stairs. Abigail had been put back into bed and the boys had been settled back down. Demelza picked up Henry while Ross held onto Jonathan as Dwight examined the young woman. He then check over Henry and Jonathan before going the diagnosis.

"Abigail and Jonathan have it. The symptoms are unmistakable. The good news is that Henry shows no signs or symptoms of what his mother and brother have." Dwight told Ross.

"How will it be?" he questioned

"If they get through the night?" Dwight  thought.

"Dear God. Surely..." Ross trailed off hoping there would be something to help. Abigail had nursed Elizabeth and the others back to health.

"There is no reliable treatment." Dwight answered

"What can I do?"

"Keep Henry away, from his mother and brother and pray." Was all the Dwight could offer his friend. Demelza overheard this and still holding Henry brought him into the study.

"It will be okay, little one. Your Mama and brother will get better. But you will have to stay with me until they do." she cooed laying him down in his old basket. That night, Dwight watched over Jonathan and Ross watched over Abigail holding onto her hand. He grew more concerned as she started to writhe about the bed.

"Shh." he tried to soothe her but she would not settle "Can you hear me my love? Abi? Abigail?" Dwight came in and grabbed the cup of water.

"Try to drink this, just a sip." but she denied it.

"She won't take it." Ross stated

"Her fever's worsening." Dwight told him as he pulled back the sheet on the bed

"Can you save her?" Ross asked hopefully. In the back of his mind the arguments, betrayals, misguided judgement, everything that had taken place were nothing anymore. The woman he loved, he had come to love and could not live without was on the verge of death along with one of his sons.

"We must get her to drink." Dwight answered as Abigail suffered through hallucinations of her worst fears the ones that she fought so hard to bury reared their ugly head.

"There is little else we can do."

"You must fight my love. You must fight." Ross insisted becoming teary eyes . Abigail's movement slowly came to a stop.

"She's fading."

"Dr Enys!" Demelza called and Dwight ran downstairs.

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