Chapter Twenty Three - Everything Happens at once

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Ross and I lay in bed that night, my husband was still as he stared up at the ceiling with the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"What weighs you down this night, my love?" I question sitting up

"The mine, the smelting company...Jim." he answered

"You said that there were rumours, what rumours?" I wondered hoping for him to expand on his thoughts from earlier.

"Has Verity said anything about Andrew Blamey?" he asked changing the subject.

"Why?" I wondered  Who had put this thought in his head, when no one has had the need to in some time.

"There are rumours that she is meeting him again. Is she?"

"I wouldn't like to say. What's given in confidence isn't fair to repeat. Especially if the information I could hold or not is not involving anything dangerous to anyone's health." I dodged looking down at him.

"I cannot say I'm disturbed." he sighed "I wonder how she met him again." he thought out loud and I daren't say anything else on the matter. I kissed his head then blew out my candle.


The next morning I practiced my steps as I ready for the ball. Ross joined me as he was on his way to leave for the mine for the day.

"Having fun?"

"Just refreshing my memory." I gave him a kiss

"Well i claim your first dance at the ball." he gave me another kiss then left. Ross sent a note  that he would be away till tomorrow. Then I decided to take a stroll, I had the children in the pram and happened to be walking past Dr Enys'. Karen was knocking on the door as I approached but gave up and was leaving.

"Your arm is on the mend then?" I ask coming to a stop

"I came to see what DR Enys could prescribe ." she answered

"He's away with Ross till tomorrow." she looked down trodden and went to leave "Mrs Daniel." she stopped and turned back around

"People do love to gossip and a scandal at the best of times. It is best not to give them a cause." I warned her.

"What cause?" she sassed

"That you have a wondering eye and you make no sense to hide it." I replied 

"And whose business is it where my eye delight?"

"Depending on whose husband it is , their wives. Maybe the friends of your husband, who already judge." I counter

"There's not a man in 50 miles I'd look at twice, except one."

"Mark." I retort "My interference is well meant but I will caution you, not to push your luck. We're a kind bunch unless you threaten the happiness of our loved ones. Good day to you." I took my leave. I was all for love conquering all but since her marriage I could tell her feelings for Mark has gone. It made me sad to see it so but the best I could do was caution.


Jinny sat with us by the fire as little Katie bawled her eyes out. I glanced apprehensively at Demelza, as we waited. I think all of us knew what was going on, even if it hadn't been verbally stated or written down. Jinny returned home and Ross eventually arrived. He didn't need to say it.

Jim was dead.

"We buried him by the sea. If you'd seen his face Abigail. I think he knew me. He smiled and tried to speak, but..." he trailed off for a moment. The magistrates should have been there. Smug self satisfied, upholders of the law. And so called gentlemen, who prize game, over hard working men. He tried to feed his family, how is that a crime?" he asked

"By God, I could commit murder myself."

"Don't say that. Never say that Ross. It's what separates  us from them, not to take a life in vain and on purpose." I lightly scold "Should we expect trouble, that you broke the jail and helped a prisoner escape."

"Let  them, I'd welcome it." he retorted

"I wouldn't  if we didn't have to." I mumble

"I could almost be induced to go amongst them tonight to the bailiff I thought i might infect them" He glared at the cup of ail he was nursing as he cradled Jonathan at the same time.

"Is that your way of saying we're not going then?" I wasn't surprised. Though to relish in making them uncomfortable, I wouldn't want to go without Ross.

"How could we? To dance and smile at the very men to blame for Jim's death?" I nodded in understanding. Just then Demelza entered holding a box.

"Parcel came for you mistress Abigail." she set it down on the table and left us alone one more.

"From the dressmakers? There must be a mistake." I scowled, I hadn't commissioned anything.

"I called on my way to Bodmin to oder it. It seems like a hundred years ago now." he answered

"Oh. May I?"

"If you wish. It may do for some time in the future." I laid Henry down and lifted the lid off, there laid a beautiful dark pink gown

"Ross." I breathed in awe. I took a seat next to him and wrapped my arms around him in love and comfort.

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