Chapter Twenty - Secret Meddling

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That weekend Mark and Karen the actress married. The air about the people in attendance at the wedding was stiff. When she came down the aisle I saw nothing but dirty looks but nothing was said to stop it. Once the ceremony was over our small group followed behind the couple to their new abode.

"They don't like her." I commented as I walked arm in arm with my husband

"They like Mark. She's an outsider." Ross replied

"So am I, in a way. I'm sure they didn't give me the same looks they are giving her. You can practically feel the judgement." I counter back at him

"They like me. They make allowances for you." I slapped his arm in jest as we arrived at the newly weds home. We stopped as she laid her eyes on it for the first time. Her look could only could be described as a Ruth snobbish look. I was all for love winning but her look agitated me for some reason as I shared a glance with Ross. I  joined the others in dancing as the bride accumulated  to her new home and husband. Though I began to get tired. Both the boys had me up very early this morning. Ross and I headed home and were having a drink before bed as he explained what happened when he went to the bank

"So there you have it. The copper auction is tomorrow, as usual the price will be fixed by the smelting companies. And I have no means to buy out our shareholders without risking all we have. This house, our land, our very livelihood. You must be regretting your marriage to such a destitute rouge." he voiced

"Must I? Humm, am I such a great lady that I'd forget that if it weren't for you I'd still be in the red Lion with men who either want to insult or assault me." Ross shook his head at my reply "What?"

"Women. None are created equal. Some are never satisfied, some could never be brought so low. Other thumb their nose at adversity and roll up their sleeves." I rolled my eyes and finish my drink.

"Maybe you wish you married a rich lady, then." I stood up and he took my hand pulling me back down.

"I'm quite aware of my good fortune, I assure you."  He pulled me into his embrace and kissed my head.


I picked up a letter and read it over. It was an invitation to a party and George Warleggan's home. I knew that it wasn't an invitation for both of us, rarely did the Warleggan's hold a gathering for couples outside of a special occasion.

"Demelza, put the potato pie to cool. I'm taking the children to walk out and meet Ross." I call and she comes in

"Would you like the stroller that was bought as the christening present?" she wondered

"Yes, please." she nodded and left, to retrieve it. When she came back I laid in the twins and made my way out and from Nampara. "Let's go meet Papa, shall we? Yes." I coo I hummed as I strolled away and glanced again at the invitation.

"Your Papa has been invited to the Goblins house, my sweethearts. Warleggan's not a real Goblin but he does rather act like it. Luckily for you, your mother is a great lady and your Papa is a gent, his name goes back hundred of years and good and solid name. We  will keep you safe from men like him, and raise you to not be so as well." I tuck it away as I reach the road.

"Mistress Poldark." I jump at the voice and turn it was Captain Blamey "Forgive me, I don't mean to alarm you but I must speak." I said nothing "I was unmannerly. I am a man of strong temper and to control it has be the work of a life time. But God forbid i should quarrel with those who wish me well."

"I cannot stay." I went to leave

"Hear me out I beg of you." he insisted and I looked to the direction Ross would be coming up any minute  "Since your visit. I have been in turmoil. I thought I'd put her behind me. But...I had not."

"What do you want me to say?" I ask

"I want to know, am I to hope? With her father deceased, do I have a chance? May I see her? How? When?" he questioned

"I don't know. What I do know is that my husband will arrive soon and he mustn't see you here or he will have my head." I look back to the direction I knew Ross would eventually come.

"Is he against me too? He wasn't before." he replied

"Then you duelled his cousin. Besides he's more against me interfering in what he thinks should be left alone. Look, I will help you but you must leave now. I will send word when I have gathered my thought on how to proceed. But for both our sakes you must leave and not contact me until I contact you." he nodded in agreement and took my hand kissed it.

"Bless you ma'am. I will not fail you, or her." he finally took his leave and carried on my way. Ross rode over towards us making me smile. He dismounted and I gave him a kiss.

"You seem in high spirits, is something amiss?" he wondered as we began to walk back.

"Not at all. I'm just please you're here. Oh this came for you before I forget." I handed him the invitation. "Since when were you friendly enough to be invited to George Warleggen's for what i assume is drinking, gambling and women who are not your wife. Will you be going?"

"Only to please Francis and to throw George of my scent of latest adventures." he replies

"I know that look, I invented that look, your scheming and plotting something. Do tell." I joke making him laugh as he told me of the smelting company he was creating to get a better price for his copper.


I sat staring out of the window thinking, gathering my thought about what to do about Captain Blamey and Verity. It needed to be where Ross wouldn't think twice or question me about that much. I'm sure one meeting would set thing back on track, at  least that was my hope. I twirled the bow of my dress and stopped. I had it. I took a peace of paper and my quill, dipping it in the ink and writing the letter.

"Demelza!" I call and she comes in "Have Jud take you to Turo and deliver this to the Captain, then pick up some things to make you inconspicuous."

"Okay." she took the letter and left.


I laid Henry is his basket next to his brother and then had a strawberry tart. I was starving and I needed a little something to help me on my way.

"Where are you going?" Ross wondered

"Town." I answered

"To what purpose?" he continued

"I snagged one of my dress in a unforgiving place, I'm in need of a replacement. As you can tell its urgent and Verity is coming to help me choose." I turn to my friend "The boys have been fed, they may wake up and need changing."

"I will take care of them." she confirmed

"Thank you." i saw Ross chuckling "Why are you chuckling?"

"Choosing dresses. May that only be the worst of your worries." he commented opening the door and exiting. I followed and mounted my horse. Ross escorted me to Trenwith and we entered. I was taken to Verity and convinced her to join me. I gave a brief greeting to my sister and we left. On our way there we came across villagers who had a mixture of emotions. Empty bellies and unsureness were the creation of such looks.

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