Chapter Nine - We're the same but not like others

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Ross and I were sat in the parlour as he drank himself into despair. He had gone to see Sir Hugh but by the time he had arrived Jim was already on his way to Truro jail.

"They disgust me, our own class. Not all of them...but most." he grumbles having some more of his drink as I traced patterns on the table.

"I am often asked why we are not like them." I reply. Demelza often asks me that, she sometimes can't comprehend our upbringing to the people we are now.

"They don't see them like we do. As equals who's only difference is, wealth and upbringing." I shrug "I say that we are different because the wool has been removed form our sight. It no longer blinds us as it once did."

"Sometimes I am blinded, Abigail. Sometimes I barely see what's right in front of me." he sighs glancing what feels like into my soul as I lean back  slightly.

"It is the nature of the beast. Even the best removed things come back to find their place, we just have to be smart enough to know when it's happening." I tapped his shoulder in comfort.


Ross rode out to Truro the day after for the trial. All of us got on with our chores for the day. The four of us were walking back to the house after cutting the meadow. Prudie was rattling on as usual, about what we were supposed to do between the two of us because we all know they wouldn't do anything.

"And when we get home there be calves to be seated, an..." Jud cut her off

"Who be this here, then? he questioned and we all looked over.

"That be the maids father." Prudie answered and I dropped the bucket and grabbed the scythe from Jud. i adjusted it in my hands reading myself for a fight.

"I'll have his head." I stormed over.

"You have some nerve, Carne." I yell holding it out. He held his hands up in defence.

"What are you thinking woman!" he shouted back

"I'm thinking your trying to take Demelza away. You'll have her over my dead body. You cockroach." I swung at him  and he jumped back in shock.

"Abigail! No!"

"Get back you beast." I was pulled back

"Hurting him will only get you in trouble. Go back to the others." She insisted but  I didn't move just stared at him.

"Now Abigail."

"You try to make her do anything, I will have your head and not think twice." I stepped away and waited with the others. The two of them talked for a few minutes before leaving. Demelza came back

"What did he want?" I questioned her with a scowl firmly planted on my face as the cockroach left us alone.

"He said he remarried to a godly woman. That he's different and he wants me back with him." she answered looking down then back to me

"He's not having you back, you belong here. No matter what these two say. I will talk with Ross. He will sort it out."  I insist.

"Mistress Abigail." Jud started

"Not another word." I close him down then head back inside. I sat in the study thinking. It seemed like forever. Then i mindlessly wondered around. I found myself at the chest of dresses one more. A lady of class could command such things. I held up the dress. I could no longer resist, I doubt Ross would return tonight. I changed into the dress and it brought back memories, younger me, dressing up for a ball I wouldn't be going to, so I could dance with Papa.

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