Chapter Twenty Five - The Ball

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The dance came to finish and i curtsied, then exuded myself to procure some refreshment before dancing with Sir Trenegloss and taking a respite. I cooled myself down with the fan i brought when I noticed an upset Verity.

"Please excuse me, sirs. I must speak with my cousin." I went to leave

"Oh no no no. I haven't had the pleasure of a second dance." Sir Hugh denied which irritated me.

"And me." Sir Trenegloss added

"I asked for a moment." i grumbled then went to leave only to bump into my sister, the harpy and Ruthless Ruth.

"I've been admiring your gown Abigail. I thought it had come from London, till mrs Treneglos assured me to the contrary." Elizabeth stopped me.

"How are the little ones, last time I saw they they were such tiny little things." Ruth added

"Growing into fine little men. Stubborn and particular like their mother." I reply then curtsied heading towards Verity. I pulled her into a hug and she silently cried.

"There, sweet cousin. Tell me what happened." we sat down and she told me of her finally convincing Blamey to leave, only to run into Francis and have a confrontation.

"He hates me and so he should. I am to blame, I should have told Francis when I had the chance. But I was timid. It's the one weakness Andrew cannot abide." she voiced

"He will forgive you, if he should not then I will show him the navy hasn't got anything on me."

"He left without a backward glance. I shall never see him again." I wrapped her in my embrace again.


I had gone out for some air and to send Verity off for the evening when I returned I was met with the irritating voice of Sir Hugh.

"Ah I'm determined Ma'am, the next dance is mine." he insisted .

"Excuse me, pardon me." Ross shuffled his way to me "I came to see if you require anything."

"It's a bit late to be showing a likely concern for your wife, isn't it." Sir Hugh scoffed which annoyed me all the more

"Better a belated conscience than none at all." he offered me his arm which I took and was escorted me to the dance floor.

"Shall I ask for another introduction since it's been a while. I'm surprised you tore yourself away from what you were doing to entertain little me." I grumbled

"I hear you've been well consoled in my absence." he retorted "Look at them all. Over painted, over dressed...overstuffed. I these are my people, i am ashamed to belong to them." I pulled him to the side.

"Enough of your wollowing. Your the one that wanted to come tonight, you prepared everything to do so. Instead you leave me to my own devices having to play nice so I don't see your head from a noose or yourself in jail. You'll not right any wrong doings by blaming just these people for Jim's death." I scold

"Of course they're to blame for their ignorance, their selfishness, their arrogance." he countered

"You know as well as I do that there is a time and place for such things, actions, and conversation. Now is not one of them, I understand that you are upset and angry at what has happened but you need to take your head out of your ass and survive to fight another day. Not drown yourself in any brandy glass you can lay your hands on. With these people it is a game of chess not a brawl fight." I rebuff

"Says the woman who fought for the life a dog on market day."

"I didn't have much to loose then as I do now. I grew more smarter and you should too. We are supposed to be together here but you abandoned me." I storm off to get a drink and calm myself. Once I do so I join Ross in the gaming room and took a seat behind him as he played. He bet 50 guinneas and the game began. Ross dealt out the cards and glanced at his.

"I propose..." the other man began

"How many?" Ross wondered

"The book." I leant in to speak to Dwight.

"Who is the man he's playing?" I question my friend and he glances at me before back at the men playing.

"Mr Sampson, cousin to Mr Warleggan." he answered and I sat back and watched it play out as they proposed and upped the stakes. That was until Ross lost his money and his grandfathers watch.

"This is a decent little piece if somewhat high priced. I trust it keeps good time." Mr Sampson smirked.

"It never failed my grandfather. Shall we continue?" Ross asked

"An what shall you play with?" Mr Sampson countered.

"assists i can realise." i gasped and removed my necklace

"Ross, no." I stood and dropped it onto the table "Play with this if you must." he glanced up at me

"And what is this worth?" Mr Sampson inquired

"About a hundred." he answered

"Oh, Ross." I shook my head and sat back down. The two played once more and Ross lost.

"Shall we retire?" mr Sampson suggested and it was a welcomed idea. I wanted to leave this ball, it brought nothing but hate and disappointment.

"Another hour" Ross insisted taking the cards and shuffling

"With what?"

"My shares in Wheal Leisure" Ross bet

"Ross, Please." I pleaded with my husband but it fell on deaf ears. He dealt out the cards as I sat on the edge of my seat.

"I propose."

"How many?" Ross asked

One." Ross nodded

"I'll take a book." Mr Sampson went to take another card but Ross grabbed his arm and forcefully turned it over to reveal a card already in his hand. "Can you explain how you come to have a card in your hand before you drew from the pack?"

"I had already drawn." Mr Sampson seethed

"I rather think he had." George defended

"Oh, no, he had not." Dwight retorted standing. Francis stood to to agree with him though he was light on his feet.

"He most certainly not." Mr Sampson backed away slightly as Ross fixed his jacket then grabbed Sampson and threw him on the table.

"What are you doing!"

"Ross you would not dare!" George shouts at him

"George! Cary! Will you permits this?" Sampson grunted

"I'm sorry for assaulting your friend George. But if you insist entertain such fellows, at least keep them on a leash!" Ross threw Sampson to the floor and gathered his money before holding his hand out to be. I took it in shock and moved around the table "Or perhaps you'd prefer your guests to be ruined in silence" Ross escorted me out.


Most of us were leaving now that it was day break. Now cloaked and hooded ready I walked arm in arm with Ross.

"When did you know?" I questioned

"Almost at once. but I wanted to be sure before i challenged him." he left my side and helped Elizabeth into the carriage. Just then i was handed a note.

"Thank you." I stepped into the carriage and took my seat


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