Chapter Twenty Two - Word About

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Henry and Jonathan were teething, which meant two things, they hated the pain and the wanted be with me all the time, I didn't mind my heart and soul loved them beyond anything. It just mean helping to do simple tasks like hanging up the washing took a little longer.

"Here I'll do it, you take care of the little one's." Demelza stepped in, making me step back I sat down on the blanket and cradled my two boys into a sleep. Jinny joined us with little Katie who had not been sleeping well these past few days. For the past couple of years she had been keeping track of the days my marking them of on one of the walls in a alcove.

"Jim will be home soon." I assured her, she gave a grateful smile

"God willing." she replied fixing one of Ross' shirts on the line "Will I find him changed?" she asked

"He's come this far. That's what matters." Demelza replied

"And were here for the both of you, no matter what." I added. Ross came out as he was on his way into town for the auction.

"A picture of motherly bliss." he came over to us and I carefully rose up.

"Please don't wake them I've only just got them back off." I pleaded with him

"Then far be it from me to disturb their slumber." he kissed my head "Just make sure you rest too, you've been working yourself none stop with the house and with the boys."

"I'll make sure of it Sir." Demelza piped up.

"Thank you Demelza." he took his leave and the three of us headed back inside. Demelza kept true to her word and made me rest with the boys sleeping next to me. I welcomed the temporary sleep.

-3rd Person-

Jud opened the door into the kitchen and stepped through. He noticed that Abigail wasn't with the others like she normally was.

"I have 'ur, for..." he grumbled and Verity walked in.

"Miss Verity." Demelza curtsied "I'm sorry but Abigail is resting at the moment. Mister Ross has asked that she not be woken. Can I take a message?"

"Oh, worry not. Can you tell her that the Warleggans are having a ball and that we've been invited."  Verity smiled

"I'm not sure she'll be please about that." Prudie muttered

"Though Master Ross will encourage her surely, she rarely does anything for herself. A party is what she may need." Jinny added

"I will be sure to tell her." Demelza replied

"Oh and can you tell her that I'm heading into town, I'm expected there later today." Demelza gave a knowing smile

"Expected? Well I'm sure..." Demelza stopped herself from saying to much. "Of course."

"I will return later, thank you Demelza." Verity took her leave. A couple of hours later Henry began to cry, waking up Abigail who tended to him and the Jonathan who decided to wake up as well. Demelza gave her some food and drink before they retired into the study.


I played the harpsichord which the boys seemed to like because I didn't hear a peep out of them. I felt a sudden jolt as arms wrapped around me and lips on my neck.

"Lord." I jumped "Is this a new fashion, trying to scare your wife into the next century." I jested.

"And how's my fair maiden?" I stood up

"I presume you mean the one who's been invited to the ball." I stood and wrapped my arms around him.

"The very same. I think you should go, you need to something different and judging all those you dislike is something you haven't done in quite some time." He reasoned and I hummed

"You do have a point, judging is a favourite sport of mine, as is arguing with the curl drops as Prudie puts it. You've convinced me. I would be happy to cause a stir at the drab ball." I agreed.

"Excuse me sir." We turned our attention to Jinny "Shall I serve supper now."

"Thank you, Jinny. Have you heard from Jim?" Ross wondered as i slid my arms down to his chest.

"Not since last month, sir. But he was fair then." she answered then left the two of us. I saw the concerned look on his face.

"Do you think something wrong, are there rumours?"  I question

"Yes, there is some word about." he answered the shook whatever he was feeling off. "Come on." we went into the next room to eat.

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