Chapter Twenty Seven - Servants

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The boys were walking now and encouraged them daily taking them on short walks. I stopped my a mound of rocks and removed one of them. Today there was a letter. For a short while I had been the go between Andrew and Verity. Never the two meeting anywhere in public and letter when through me. I head to Trenwith and handed the letter to Verity stopping to let the boys play with each other as to not be conspicuous. Now I was back at home sitting by the fire with Demelza and Prudie as the children played. Then we heard Jud singing loudly, a drunk loud. There was a difference and our ears had become tuned to it. The four of us walked into the study where Jud sat in my husbands chair. I adjusted the boys on my hip.

"That be Master Ross' rum." Purdie scolded  her husband who didn't seem fazed by his wife actions.

"T'was.  Now it be Master Jud's" he grumbled holding the bottle

"Out now before I gove ye such a skat in the chacks."  Purdue threatened her husband

"I'm away. I'm away." He stood up and moved out of the room. I chuckled in amusement as he sang his way down the hall. He was still going on a hour later as we sat in the kitchen. Jud joined us

"I know that fizzop. It would make Milk curdle." He mumbled

"Captain Poldark with fetch ye such a colloppin'" Prudie retorted

"Captain Poldark? Who be Captain Poldark giving himself airs? Everyone do know he's had half the maid from here to Turo." My smile lessened. I knew him to be feeling drunk stories.

"Keep your voice down in front of the children." Demelza  scowled at him

"The children? Them children? What about Jinny Carters Child." he sneered

"What about it?" Prudie retorted

"Everybody do know that Captain Ross be it's father." I sigh shaking my head as he spout his latest nonsense and vile. He was always the same when he got drunk. Mostly it was only me who heard it, heaven forbid Ross happened upon Jud in this stage of drinking.

"Tis a lie."

"Ignore him." I told her

"Tis a wicked, wicked lie." she insisted

"No wonder he went to bodmin. See Jim into the ground. And don't ye bend then brows at me girl. Ain't nowt but a prissy trout a thieving family." Before I could defend myself Ross bursted into the room and held Jud by the collar.

"Go." Ross insisted

"Go where?" Jud asked, quickly sobering up at his masters presence and tone.

"I neither know nor care. But if your still in this house by daybreak, I will personally horsewhip you from here to Truro." He shoves Jud out and slams the door. The boys begin to cry and i pulled them close to ease their fear. He then took his leave as well, sparing me a glance. Was it bad to think that it was bound to happen one of these days?


Demelza served us dinner and left the two of us to talk. We both silently knew what the subject of this meal would be, so I decided to bring it up first.

"If Jud goes, so will Prudie." I comment having some meat slices, then pouring myself some more to drink.

"And I'm sorry for that. For you'll miss her, but at least you will still have Demelza, she does more than them anyway." he replied having some of his food then a sip of his drink.

"About what he said. He was drunk, he says a lot of things he doesn't mean when he's had one to many." I defended

"My liquor. He's lucky it wasn't my foot. Liquor or not. He's disrespect you in this house once too often." his mind was set on the matter and later that afternoon the two of them left. I said my goodbyes to Prudie as did Demelza. Our beginning was rocky but Prudie had ended up become a trusted friend, I can see why Mr Poldark had been fond of her at least though sometimes Jud was a mystery. There years of service to our family only to end up like this.

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