Chapter 3

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As expected everyone went crazy with spending their money, someone even brought a duck and I was tempted to as well, but Kiyotaka sadly stopped me. The teacher never cared that everyone was just slacking off in class or even brought the duck in once, but we never saw it again.

Finally, May 1st arrived.

It's cloudy today so I had my umbrella down. "Those are used for the rain." Kiyotaka reminded me as we walked to school.

"Yeah, but I love the rain. It means I can run somewhat since I don't have a chance of overheating." I grinned. "What people find bad is beautiful to me I guess."

We arrived at class to see everyone looking a little scared and nervous. We checked our phones to see no points were added. I thought we would at least get some, but it just shows how cruel this school will be making me grin.

"Take your seats." Sae came in. "Morning homeroom will now begin."

"Hey, teacher! We didn't get our points!" Someone exclaimed like some spoiled rich kid. "We are supposed to get them on the first day of the month, right?"

"This month's points have already been allotted." Sae informed us.

Most were confused. "The points have been allotted, I can say that for certain. There is no chance that this class has been overlooked, either." She reassured us.

"But we didn't get any points!" Someone complained.

"Yeah!" Everyone started to whine.

"What a bunch of idiots you are." Sae grinned making me smile to. "A combined total of 98 tardies and absences. 391 instances of talking and cell phone usage in class. Quite a month's work. At this school, your grades and performance evaluations are reflected in the monthly points you are given."

"My assessment of you has resulted in the loss of all 100,000 points you were to be given. The points you have received for this month are zero." Sae happily informed us and everyone flinched.

"You mean I have to live on no money this month?" Someone asked horrified.

"No one told us that." Someone mumbled like their hope has all vanished.

"Did you really think that mere high school students were going to be given 100,000 yen a month to spend without a single catch?" Sae asked us. "That's absurd. Use your common sense. If you had any doubts, why did you do nothing about them? I told you on your first day, didn't I? This school judges students based on merit, which means you are all worth nothing. You're garbage."

I couldn't hold back my smile anymore, so I slumped down on my desk to hide it. "Rekka!" I heard Kushida yell and looked up a little to show her my eyes.

She was bent down in front of my desk. "Don't worry, I'm sure we will get more points." Kushida reassured me thinking I'm just like them, but I couldn't help the grin that I was hiding.

They all look so hopeful. I can't wait for their hopes to go up and fall even more next time, so I can at least see what its like to experience pain.

"I like this school." I showed a smile that should look less sinister. "I like the people."

"Let's do our best this month!" Hirata exclaimed and everyone was surprised. "Even Rekka can smile after all that, so we should at least try our best!"

Everyone actually got more motivated, but then our teacher started to teach us what the S system is making them all go quiet. They were all desperate to find some hope, something that can get them out of this hole they put themselves in.

Sae informed us of the number of points each class got. "The S system assesses the students in real-time and assigns them numerical values. Look, you lot in Class D have wonderfully proven, that you deserve to be ranked last." She pointed out.

Radiators are my only weakness (Classroom of the elite x oc)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora