Chapter 66

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The nurse was terrified when I arrived and then started to scold me after she had taken care of my injuries. I had bitten into my tongue, but only the edging on the front when my jaw slammed against the stairs.

There were other parts that had been bit into, but they weren't anything too bad. It was quite a clean cut in some parts, so a lot of blood came out.

My bones were fine thankfully, but the bottom of my jaw will bruise up very soon since it's red for now. I was extremely lucky she told me and I'm kind of used to that. I tried to fall in a way that wouldn't hurt me too much, but leave a visible mark.

Becoming a blood fountain wasn't the plan, but it helped it seemed.

I do forget I have a tongue sometimes.

Kiyotaka stayed with me for now playing cards with me or doing other stuff I wanted to do. He went back for one class then it was lunch and he knew I would be having other visitors, so he stayed back.

"Rekka!" Kei yelled as she came bursting in with Hirata behind her and a few others like Sudo and Suzune who kept in the back.

"Are you okay now?" Kei asked me.

"I'm stuck in a bed," I stated while she was staring at my mouth trying to see my tongue. "Isn't there just a small one for my tongue so I can keep moving around?"

"Looks like you are doing well." Hirata grinned seeing I can talk perfectly fine, but that's because I don't feel the pain I should be feeling right now.

"You scared us all!" Sudo laughed.

"Rekka...did something make you fall?" Suzune asked me and before I could answer someone else came in slamming the door open.

"Idiot!" Ryuen yelled scaring everyone, but me.

He came over to me and moved my chin up to see the bruise starting to form and the others didn't notice till now. It's right under my jaw and near my neck that is also a little red in the front so it's hard to see.

"That's..." Sakura gasped imagining how painful that would be.

"What can she eat?" Ryuen asked the nurse without taking his eyes off me.

"Lukewarm soup for now." She sighed. "It has to be through a straw as well. We can't let anything touch the tip of her tongue or the sides since the wounds are still fresh."

"What about cookies?" I grinned.

"You dare." Ryuen glared at me and I giggled.

The nurse sighed and then grinned since she had seen Ryuen around with me before. She was a little cautious at first, but he had even come for some of my morning checkups to see how I was doing.

She can tell he genuinely cares for me like Kiyotaka does.

"Wait, I was promised jelly today!" I exclaimed.

"It has to be tomorrow at the very least." The nurse informed me. "And still through a straw."

"Hmm." I let out.

"Do you want to lose your tongue?" She asked me.

"I need it," I groaned.

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