Chapter 65

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The next day, I went into class on my own to see everyone was very happy then when they started to notice me they went quiet.

"Rekka!" Yukimura yelled and I looked at him and then waved. He came over to me as the class was now silent, but I pretended not to notice.

"Everyone seems happy now! That's good!" I exclaimed.

"Rekka, keep away from everyone but our group today, okay?" He asked of me.

"...Why?" I asked.

I looked at the class, and many turned their heads away while the rest were confused and that confirmed for me my suspicions.

Yamauchi has started to act, and I was a obvious choice to be the target for anyone because my condition could be seen as something that would hold me back, but that isn't what led me to think it was him who started this.

Of course, it's the promise Arisu made to me yesterday after she found out who Yamauchi was aiming for him. We are gonna murder that rat that decided to ruin just a few moments of our lives.

She soon messaged me during the day about what she had planned, and I came up with how I wanted it to play out. I asked her to do a couple of things, and I promised that it would make him suffer much more.

"Did something happen?" Suzune asked as I was sat with Kiyotaka so Yukimura went back to his seat. "I don't think I like this feeling."

"Yuki keeps looking at me," I added. "But everyone seems happy."

"Looking at you...they aren't on edge anymore," Suzune noted then went quiet showing she probably figured out that they finally found a target they were pleased with and it's yours truly.

"Are you kidding me?" Suzune hissed under her breath.

At the end of the day, we went to a cafe with our study group to discuss what was happening. "I see. Now that you mention it, it did feel that way." Haruka sighed after Yukimura explained.

"Should we have someone investigate?" Akito asked.

"No, sniffing around could result in one of us being targeted." Yukimura retorted.

"You think the target might already be someone in our group?" Haruka frowned.

"Don't say that, Haruka." Sakura shivered.

"That fact that no one has asked us to join their consensus suggests that might be the case," Yukimura added.

"But you guys out of anyone?" I mumbled. "That makes no sense to me."

Haruka grinned seeing I was upset they were being targeted while really I was enjoying their fear. "If they threatened you to help them or be targeted yourself...what would you do?" Akito asked.

"We have to stay loyal to each other!" Haruka stated.

"Even if that results in you becoming a target?" He asked.

"Well..." Haruka let out. "Staying at this school isn't important enough to make me sell out a friend."

"I'd never betray any of you, either!" Sakura exclaimed.

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