Chapter 43

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"You! You have been provoking me!" Kushida screamed at me, and I tilted my head confused. "That drink getting thrown on me!"

"Kei did that." I reminded her.

"But she wouldn't stop talking about you!" Kushida hissed.

"She's protective because she's concerned for me. I am dumb." I explained. "You're too emotional, I said this before." I turned away from her as she was hissing. I looked up at the coolest cloud I have ever seen. "Oh, it's shaped like a carrot! The sunset makes it look like it's on fire! Rekka carrot!"

"Well looks like you brought someone else for our meeting." Ryuen spoke up from behind Kushida.

"Huh? Ryuen?" I let out with fake surprise making him smirk. "So Suzune was right, you did betray us. How could you?"

"You bitch!" Kushida screamed and went to slap me, but Ryuen grabbed her wrist making her glare at him.

Ryuen was genuinely surprised by her outburst and that her anger was aimed at me not him. He thinks he was the only one who has messed with Kushida and that I'm harmless, so to him, there's no reason for Kushida to hurt me.

I walked around them both and headed towards Ryuen's side pissing Kushida off even more. "What the hell was that?!" Kushida aimed her anger at Ryuen. "That wasn't the question sheet you gave me! Now Horikita's going to beat me! You betrayed me!"

"You still haven't figured it out?" Ryuen let her go. "You thought you'd outmanoeuvred Suzune, but she's the one who trapped you."

"What?" Kushida let out as Ryuen explained the trick with the question sheet that Suzune set up. "That stupid bitch!"

I grinned seeing such an expression of pain on her face. She got tricked by something so simple, she practically just ran into the trap. "You didn't give us our payment, so why would we give you the right question sheet?" Ryuen explained why he tricked her this time.

"I almost had her!" Kushida yelled and she looked so powerless.

"No, you were stuck either way." Ryuen walked up to her and snatched the cheat sheet while Kushida flinched back thinking he was trying to touch her. "What are you doing?!" She yelled.

I went over curiously and took the paper from Ryuen. "Origami?" I asked as I held it high up.

Ryuen laughed. "Unroll it." He demanded.

I did just that, and he looked over my shoulder at it. "I thought so. A cheat sheet." Ryuen laughed.

"What in the world?" Kushida snatched it off me. "What was that doing in my jacket?!"

"Wow." I let out and she glared at me.

"Someone in Class D was preparing to hang you out to dry." Ryuen explained.

"Wait...the answers written here." She mumbled. "Hang on! This is messed up! These are for the questions you gave me! If you and I were the only ones who had them..."

Ryuen held out his hand to me, and I slapped it.

He still took a hold of my hand. "It will be a good idea for you to come with me." Ryuen grinned. I could tell he was going to reveal the deal we made so I went with him, but I kept slapping his hand and he didn't mind even as I poked his head with my umbrella.

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