Chapter 60

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Once we got back Kiyotaka laid out all the chocolate he got on my bed for me to keep and eat. "Kei was an easy one to guess that she would do this, Sakura as well." I hummed. "I'm guessing Haruka did it to motivate Sakura to."

"Really?" Kiyotaka asked me.

"Yeah, Sakura always acts like anything she does might make her life fall apart." I hummed. "Hiyori was a little of a surprise and Kushida..." I just laughed remembering how annoyed she looked when he just handed it straight over to me.

I asked if she wanted some of mine, but she rejected it with a strained smile on her face.

"I think it's about time," Kiyotaka spoke up.

"Let's go break into Ichinose's place!" I exclaimed.

"That would scare her." He reminded me.

"But I'm so sweet and gentle." I laughed at my own words. Kiyotaka grabbed the bag he prepared, and we headed on our way.

I was holding the blanket I stole the other day with ducks on it. Kiyotaka looked at it since why would I give her that? "Build up." I gave him a thumbs up. "I'm taking it back later, she will throw it out in the end anyway."

We arrived at her door, and I was the one who knocked and Ichinose used the intercom. "Yes?" She answered.

"You are alive! It's Rekka and the lettuce." I informed her.

"What are you-" Ichinose started to cough.

"That sounds bad," Kiyotaka added. "Do you have a cold?"

"Yeah. So it's not a great time." Ichinose admitted.

"I heard chocolate can help when you are ill," I stated. "...Are you even eating? If not then you definitely aren't enjoying life since that's the best part of it."

She giggled. "Can you keep rice porridge down?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Wait, that's what we brought her." I looked in the bag. "You asshole."

"It's good for when you are sick." He explained.

"I always am." I retorted because I never had it. "Anyway, Ichi please, can I see you? Just to be able to poke you would be amazing." I stated.

"Give me a moment," She opened the door. "You two really spoke that entire time and don't take no for an answer."

"Well, sometimes no is a stupid answer," I stated as Kiyotaka apologised.

"Here." Kiyotaka held out the bag to her.

"Thanks, I-" Ichinose fell forward and I kept her upright surprising her. "Sorry."

"Are you alright?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Yeah." She slowly nodded. "Would you two like to come inside?"

We went inside and as soon as I got near her again she slammed a face mask onto my face.

Kiyotaka didn't let me fight, and I had to keep it on making me glare at him. He got a marker out and then drew on it.

Ichinose was confused as I looked in the mirror to see a funny grin on the mask and I giggled happily at it. "I will keep wearing this!" I exclaimed.

"You are good at helping her." Ichinose grinned.

"I can't always be there." Kiyotaka hummed confusing her. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, a lot better, thanks." Ichinose nodded. "But you really could have just called."

"Your appearance makes your lie less believable, so when it's just the voice alone and you are such a nice person it's obvious you will lie to not hurt us," I explained that I wanted to see her in front of me to see how she was actually doing.

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