Chapter 54

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Our group was very harmonious the first day, well on the surface it was. At lunch, I was with Suzune and Kushida. Suzune was giving me a bunch of her food making me grin happily.

She probably did that thinking I only accepted and acted as I have so far to please her.

It works in my favour in the end and free food doesn't hurt anyone, but the idiot who gives it away.

"You seem to be really enjoying the test so far," Suzune commented.

"Paper is horrible! But tree, woah!" I exclaimed. "We also go out into nature! How can you not like this test?"

"Kushida, want to eat with us?" A pair of girls came over really excited to invite her.

"Sorry. I'm talking shop about our class with Horikita." Kushida apologised.

"I can handle it! Go on!" I hummed.

"Sorry, I really can't," Kushida repeated and the girls were disappointed as they walked off. "Did you really need to speak up?" Kushida asked with her actual tone making Suzune flinch that she turned that quick.

"Yeah, you are easy to play with," I smirked.

"So, did you force me into your group to keep an eye on me?" Kushida asked Suzune with her mask back on.

"And I'm here to. Are you sure she's gonna trust ya?" I pointed at Kushida who was right next to me.

Suzune groaned as I truly had no fear. "Or is it because you want me to acknowledge you as an ally?" Kushida asked.

"Yes, I won't deny that being part of my motive," Suzune explained.

"I don't suppose you will accept that it's completely futile, then?" Kushida hummed.

"I want you to trust me," Suzune admitted as she glanced at me when I was slurping my drink since this part of the conversation was so boring. Her every word was useless.

"That's very honest of you." Kushida grinned. "Sorry, but I don't think that's going to happen."

"I'm never going to tell other people about your past. I'd have nothing to gain." Suzune sounded desperate making me smirk as now I'm enjoying this and I even have a meal to eat as I watch.

"Yeah, you might be right," Kushida added. "If I were to get desperate and destroy the class like I did back in middle school, it'd make it really hard for you to reach Class A."

"Then-" Suzune went to say.

"Still...the current situation is very annoying for me." Kushida motioned at me as I put up a peace sign while I had fish in my mouth. "If someone put a knife to your throat and said, 'I won't hurt you, so help me out.' Would you really want to play along?"

"You are smart," Suzune admitted.

"No, it's just obvious," I added.

"It's why I want you to be a real asset to the class," Suzune explained. "The others would be more gra-"

"Do you not get how much it ticks me off when you talk down to me like this?" Kushida's mask fell off completely there scaring Suzune then it went right back on. "I will be a good girl for a while, at least. But until one of us leaves this school, Horikita, we are never going to see eye to eye about this."

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