Chapter 45

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"The meeting went great, it confirmed things for Kiyo." I grinned at Sae. She was not responding to anything, and I don't have all day.

"Rekka was right, you lied to us." Kiyotaka pointed out.

"Oh." She let out.

"You have no connection to my father." He informed her.

"What makes you-" Sae flinched back as I reached my hand out to her face again.

"If you had connections, you would have been told about Rekka. She is what they call the perfect one out of us both but she can be violent. You would have been told how to please her to be able to use her." Kiyotaka explained. "Let's put an end to this ridiculous deception."

"And you can't expel us either." I laughed. "Fairness is still a rule for you."

Her smile finally fell. "You're particularly obsessed with reaching Class A." Kiyotaka pointed out. "You hadn't been gifted with the right students in the past, but this year, you were. As a supervising teacher, you heard about us from the chairman, and you decided to use us to rise through the ranks."

"And so you dangled our freedom in front of us." I added. "But you didn't flinch when I put my hand by your face just before the beginning of the island test. That showed you didn't know who I am. You always got confused by my every word. You have no clue how to control me and then you tried to threaten me." I laughed. "You're really stupid!"

"I see. The chairman is giving you both special treatment." Sae hummed.

"Well he follows the rules, so he can't allow students to leave because someone wants them to and that would ruin the reputation of the school. And second, poor Rekka has a condition like his daughter. He has seen me have a heart attack before." I explained.

"Now you have no hold over us. We don't need to do what you ask us to." Kiyotaka explained.

"Never did!" I laughed.

"You did, but are you two really gonna stop trying for Class A?" She asked us.

"I had a personal aim whenever I moved, and yes!" I grinned and she looked annoyed.

"Even as the other students are, at last, beginning to unify?" Sae started to sound a little desperate.

"Do it yourself, or do you feel too inferior to your students?" I asked her. "I'm starting to see your pain. Having the class fall will let me see something wonderful, so it would benefit me."

Sae looked at me shocked.

"I have no further need to get involved personally. Please don't contact us for reasons involving your personal feelings again. Don't provoke Rekka unless you want the class to fall apart." Kiyotaka warned her as we started to walk off.

"Ayanokoji! Rekka! What are you going to do now?!" She yelled after us.

"Can we go see the dangle ball trees?" I asked Kiyotaka as I jumped onto his back and he supported my legs so I don't fall off.

"Yeah, we can look at the Christmas trees." He nodded. "We can do a lot more things now."

"Yay!" I exclaimed. "We can hang out with the others more to and try more food!"

Radiators are my only weakness (Classroom of the elite x oc)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora