Chapter 34

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I laughed as I saw Kiyotaka staring at the sky while Kushida was trying to make conversation and Suzune wants to leave. "Looks kind of painful, I guess awkwardness can cause pain." I commented. "But it also looks funny."

I was running about again as I wanted to and it was one of the other classes who were training today.

Someone stopped me from running by standing in front of me confusing me. "No." I frowned at him.

Manabu sighed. "Why are you running around? I know that isn't good for your condition."

"Because I want to." I explained.

"That's it?" He asked me.

"Why are you annoying me? Are you lonely like Suz?" I asked.

"No, I'm surprised you have no concern for your health." Manabu admitted.

"When you learn that you were supposed to die at any second of your life, you get bored of hearing about it. Dwell on the despair of eventually dying or playing basketball, what would you rather do?" I sighed.

He was confused and then laughed. "I see, you are starting to convince me that this isn't an act."

I ran off, and I wasn't in view of the others anymore, but Kiyotaka knew where I was. "You can be a little nasty Ayanokoji." Kushida admitted as they were all sat down together.

"Yeah, he took my cheese pie!" I landed behind them scaring Kushida and Suzune after I had jumped from the top of the stairs behind them.

"Cheese pie?" Kushida asked me.

"I didn't make one. Rekka keeps mixing her food together." Kiyotaka explained. "It also had some green on it."

"Hirata said it was healthy." I pouted.

"As I said before that's mold." Suzune pointed out. "Let me check your food first."

"Okay!" I sat behind Suzune so I could mess with her hair and she sighed, but just let me do it.

"I meant he was nasty by inviting me out since you and Horikita don't like me much." Kushida explained.

Suzune was quiet. "I find you interesting!" I reminded her. "Like Suzune's hair! Why does he want to eat it? It does smell like strawberries."

"Don't turn into that guy." Suzune demanded of me.

"I can't go that bad, I'm not creepy." I retorted making her smirk. "Also Kushida, this was Suzune's idea."

"Really? What a surprise!" Kushida let out.

"Kushida, I have no interest in you." Suzune spoke up.

"What a mean thing to say!" She gasped.

"But I want to ask you one thing. The one who leaked Vip information to Ryuen on the ship, was it you?" Suzune looked her right in the eyes and I pulled on Suzune's hair since she ruined my work.

I'm braiding her hair like how Kei taught me to. "No, sugar coats here." I hummed and Kiyotaka nodded. "I want a coat of sugar."

"You don't have to admit it." Suzune mumbled. "It's in the past, after all."

Suzune forgave her to easily. "What are you-" Kushida tried to act dumb still.

"But as a member of your class, I'm not sure if I can trust you from now on." Suzune glared at her.

"I don't know why you suspect me..." Kushida then looked at me and I smiled confusing Suzune. "But I want to work to reach Class A with the rest of you. You will trust me, won't you?"

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