Chapter 6

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The day before the test we were in class as Kushida handed out the test questions to everyone. "Did you make these?" Kei asked her.

"Actually, they are questions from an earlier test. A third-year student gave them to me last night." Kushida lied. "He said pretty much the same questions had appeared on the test the last two years, so I bet they will be useful on our test tomorrow!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Ike tried to make out with the paper.

Everyone seems really happy and Sudo looked relieved. "Koenji, here." Kushida tried to give one to the man spreader.

"I beg your pardon, but I need no such thing and I have a date to get to, now, if you will excuse me." He walked past her.

"Kushida." Suzune went up to her.

"I know you might not need it, but..." Kushida handed her one.

All the boys surrounded Kushida and thanked her. She looked really happy about it. "So she likes the attention, that's why she wants friends." I hummed.

We did the test and the day arrived for the results to be announced, and Sudo's group were still surrounding Kushida singing her praises. "Kushida is well suited to the role." Kiyotaka hummed.

"Not much of a compliment." Suzune added.

"Hey, Rekka." Sudo came up to me and everyone looked over curiously since most have only seen us interact when he pushed me. "I wanted to show you this."

"Oh, Flareon!" I exclaimed seeing the card in his hand.

"I said I was going to tell you what Pokemon you remind me of." He laughed. "Your name means fire and your eyes are bright like one to, along with your passion for basketball!"

He then paused when he noticed everyone else watching us. "What are you looking at?!" He yelled.

"I say you're a Sylveon gentle and cute." I admitted and he blushed.

"Thanks." Sudo walked off as everyone looked a little shocked but happy.

"Cute?" Kiyotaka asked me.

"Like a puppy." I explained. "Easy to train, but easily falls for bait."

Suzune looked a little confused at my explanation, but Sae came in to announce our results so she didn't ask me about it.

"To be honest, I'm impressed." Sae admitted. "I never thought you'd be able to get such high scores. I acknowledge your efforts."

"However..." She circled Sudo's name on the board. "You got a failing score, Sudo."

He got a 39, overall. "What, you're kidding me! How did I fail?!" He freaked out.

"The threshold for failure on this midterm test was 40, the average score on the midterm test was 79.6 and dividing that by two makes 39.8 since we round that up, you needed a score of 40 or higher to pass." Sae explained making him lose hope.

All of his aggression left him since his way of fighting is violence and that won't help him here. "We only knew each other for a short time, but I appreciate your efforts, I will issue your notice of expulsion after class." She informed him.

"Wait a minute! Isn't there any way to save him?!" Hirata stood up.

"A failing score means you're finished." Sae answered.

"We can't let Sudo be expelled!" Kushida added.

"Rules are rules." She shrugged. "Give it up. Homeroom is over. Sudo, I will be waiting in the staff office after classes."

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