Chapter 30

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I went back to my room, and Kiyotaka gave me his phone. "I have to do all of the work." I complained.

"You are the actor." Kiyotaka informed me.

"You're just a mannequin." I reminded him as I called Shiho on his phone.

It was answered. "Who is this?" Shiho asked.

"Please help Rekka." I begged with a high-pitched tone while crying.

"Huh? Who is this?" She asked me.

"I can't say, I'm to scared to...but please help Rekka! Karuizawa keeps using her as a shield and threatens to hurt the girl! Rekka won't be able to tell what happens to herself until it's to late and it could cause her serious harm! She will die! She doesn't understand bullying!" I went hysterical.

"Don't worry, we want to make sure that Karuizawa girl pays. She even messed with one of our friends." Shiho explained and complained all about her, so I moved the phone away from me so I could let out my yawn.

Gossip is quite boring, I don't get why girls like it so much.

"I know she meets up with her boyfriend in know she's a bitch, right? Make her pay." I demanded in a giddy tone like her making it seem like I'm on her side.

"We will." Shiho reassured me then I gave her the location and time Hirata gave me.

I then hung up. "Done!" I grinned at Kiyotaka and he nodded.

"She trusted you without even knowing your name." Kiyotaka commented.

"I gave her fake justification for her anger because you could see they want to do more. They were desperate." I explained.

"They really just harass Kei for no reason and are just jealous that the boys like her for some reason. They just need to fix their personalities, but no one does that." I sighed.

We didn't need to do anything else other than buying snacks and wait.

I was above the meeting place and I was sitting between the gap of the railing to watch everything go down. Kiyotaka was outside since he didn't care for this part.

I was above watching as Kei came along making me grin. "What the heck? There's no signal down here." She complained as she looked at her phone. "Why would Hirata call me to a place like this?"

Kei happily turned when she heard the echo of steps and there they were the Class C girls. All her hope dropped making me grin as I ate the cookies I got beforehand.

"How did you..." Kei started to back up where there was no escape.

"Then shall we start?" Shiho laughed. "The Karuizawa begs for mercy photo shoot!"

Nanami had her phone out to take pictures and I was taking videos myself. "Don't miss any great shots, Nanami." Shiho demanded.

"Okay!" She sang.

"Leave me alone." Kei demanded. "I haven't done anything wrong."

"Then why is your voice shaking?" Shiho questioned her.

"Because you are ganging up on her in a basement of a ship with every intention to hurt her." I hummed.

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