Chapter 39

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"I will oversee group 2." Hirata came over to talk to Suzune as everyone went off for break while some stayed. I saw Kushida was surrounded by some of the girls from class. "And Kushida will watch over both groups, also Rekka I'm your partner so would you like to join my group?"

"Focus on the others I'm fine." I reassured him. "What's scores do you want me to get?"

"Huh? Um...I will give you a list later." He grinned and I nodded.

Kiyotaka and I then noticed Kushida leave after picking up her phone. "Can we talk?" Akito asked us with Haruka beside him.

"About truck ducks?" I asked.

"No?" He mumbled.

"You got paired up like penguins but didn't like it?" I asked.

"Actually, yeah." Haruka nodded.

"We have the same strong and weak testing areas, it's a problem." Akito explained.

"I see, you are a bad match up for the upcoming test." Hirata mumbled.

"But we can't handle many more in our study groups." Suzune added and was looking towards Kiyotaka.

"I'd like to give everyone the support we need, but..." Hirata groaned.

"Yuikmura!" I called out to him and he came over.

"Guess you saw I was listening in." He mumbled nervously.

"You got as high as Suzune, so you're smart, can you help them? I know you are a nice person." I grinned.

He genuinely smiled at me. "I will look after them, then." He informed the other two.

"Are you sure?" Hirata asked looking between us confused since no one has really ever seen us interact.

"I want our class to get past this test and I know Rekka wants that to so she suggested me." Yukimura nodded. "She was so much more useful than me in the Sport Festival so I want to help in this. We have all been undermined by things we have regarded as unnecessary in the past. The only difference is whether that was sports or academics, at this school you need to be good at more than just those two."

"Yes, that is true." Suzune agreed with him.

"Instinct, inspiration, intuition." Yukimura listed off words.

"Instructions, interesting...what other I words are there? Idiot!" I exclaimed making him and Hirata laugh.

"I hate to admit it but none of us can do this alone, What we need now is a team that covers all the bases." Yukimura explained showing how smart he is, it's one of the reason Kiyotaka and I use each other since we are better at different things, as me being likeable and him being invivislbe.

"Unity, then?" Kiyotaka commented and Suzune got up.

"Follow." She demanded.

"Sleep." My head fell back down to the desk.

"Can't leave you alone." Kiyotaka reminded me and picked me up then placed me on my feet, so I took his hand and made him pull me along and he did.

We went out the back then down the hall a little so no one can listen in. "I want you two to take part in Yukimura's study group." Suzune informed us.

"No." I rejected as I was looking out the window while knocking on it to the twinkle star song annoying Suzune.

"Let me-" Suzune went to say.

"There's no benefit, you can't convince me." I retorted.

"Why us?" Kiyotaka asked her.

"I want you two to see if they are making progress." She explained. "You two were in Yukimura's group during the test on the ship and he seems comfortable with you Rekka, so you two must have some flexibility."

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