Chpater 37

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"Is she actually sleeping while standing?" Suzune asked Kiyotaka as I was so bored during the assembly and Manabu was on the stage talking about something.

Kiyotaka had my arm wrapped around his as I was swaying around a little.

"Are you sick?" Hirata asked me.

"Yeah, I'm sick of the Boob's voice." I complained confusing many around us.

"We will now hear a few words from the incoming student council president." Someone announced and there was clapping again.

"I am your newly instituted student council president, Nagumo Miyabi of Class 2-A." He spoke up and I rubbed my eyes and then stared at him.

"What do you think?" Kiyotaka asked me.

"Lamer version of Koenji." I hummed seeing the guy looks like the word narcissism. "Iron-fisted person."

Kiyotaka nodded as I grabbed onto his sleeve. "Sleep, egg." I demanded.

He patted my head as Nagumo wouldn't shut up. "I wish to turn this school into a true meritocracy. Students with ability will be at the very top and those without it at the very bottom. This is how things should be."

"Egg." I whined again.

Suzune facepalmed.

We soon left with the excuse that I'm going to faint. Kiyotaka let me climb a tree as we waited for the assembly to be over then we headed to class.

"Look! This tree did have a face in it! It looks like your dad and is probably as old as him!" I showed Kiyotaka the picture I took.

"Is that why you broke a branch of the tree?" He asked me.

"No, I wanted to try javelin! It got onto the roof!" I happily grinned then smacked into something hard.

I poked it and looked up to see. "Oh, big egg." I let out.

"Your performances in the sports festival were a genuine surprise." Katsuragi informed us as he took a step back to give me some room.

"You are to." I hummed.

"Please tell Horikita to watch out for Ryuen." He asked of us.

"Weren't you working with Ryuen in the past?" Kiyotaka asked him.

"To my present chagrin. I never should have gotten involved with him." Katsuragi admitted. "Ryuen is our mutual enemy."

"Cool." I gave him a thumbs up. "Also, you should try octopus sausages."

"I will." He slowly nodded then walked off.

"Both sides have our share of worries, it seems." Kiyotaka commented.

"Hey." We turned to see it was Sato who had called out to us while everyone else had already gone back inside to class. "Listen...could I talk to you for a minute?"

"Wh-" I pushed Kiyotaka forward as he went to ask who.

"I have something to say to you." She pointed at Kiyotaka. "But Rekka, you can come to."

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