Chapter 36

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I was walking with Kiyotaka to get to our places. "Kushida admitted to me she was the traitor." Kiyotaka informed me.

"Finally, god the dumb act is boring." I sighed annoyed.

"Well, you can see what you want soon." Kiyotaka patted my head and walked me to my spot where there were girls from the other classes that I will race against.

"Use your umbrella as you run." Kiyotaka demanded of me. "Then you can go all out running, but still not be at your best."

"Don't put yourself in danger over this." He felt my forehead.

"Will do!" I exclaimed. "Actually do run. It's fun."

Kiyotaka nodded and made his way to the last part of the field since he will be the last person running. "Why do you have that?" The girls with me asked and pointed at my umbrella.

"Heat kills me!" I grinned, and I looked at their bodies then sighed. "I will need four more umbrellas."

We heard the shot meaning the race has begun, and Sudo was in the lead as we expected.

Sudo passed the baton to Hirata, and he kept up the pace Sudo made, but when it went to the first girl she got taken over by many of the other classes and fell to the back.

The next girl didn't help either, and she put us in last place, but now it's my turn. All the other girls with me had begun running to where Kiyotaka is. "Sorry! Rekka." The one who brought the baton to me apologised while trying to catch her breath.

"You got it to me! Thanks!" I grinned as I finally was able to take off. I was easily able to get to the middle of the pack in a couple of seconds shocking them all. "You guys are slow!"

"Go on, Rekka!" Everyone from our class cheered me on.

"She has an umbrella! How the hell is she running that fast?!" Someone yelled and I made it to first place and then made a big lead. "Can't stop!"

"Got it." Kiyotaka nodded while the rest of the boys panicked. I jumped, and Kiyotaka caught me and took a couple of steps back then put me down and I handed him the baton.

"Was it fun?" Kiyotaka asked me.

"So much! I wanna do this again next year!" I exclaimed.

"You..." Manabu let out making me look at him.

"Why do kissy and sniffy boys keep appearing?" I asked myself.

"How did you run so fast?" He questioned me.

"By running." I answered. "You know use your legs."

He smirked at me and got his baton next. "Before we race, let me tell you one thing." Kiyotaka spoke up.

"What is it?" Manabu asked him.

"Run with all of your strength." Kiyotaka demanded making him smirk.

"Well then! Go!" I exclaimed seeing this was a personal race for them and they ran at my yell and they were pretty fast, but Manabu was just in the lead.

Everyone cheered loudly as they passed nearly all the other boys. "Looks like Kiyo lost some of his speed since we left there." I hummed. "Doesn't mean much since that guy is going to fall."

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