Chapter 62

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"Regarding the results of your final exam," Sae spoke up. "You all passed."

"Hell yeah!" Ike yelled as I yawned bored.

"For once, I'm unable to find fault with the result anywhere," Sae smirked.

"That test was easy-peasy," Yamauchi stated.

"Says the class joke." Ike laughed.

"Says the guy with the lowest score." He retorted.

"Hey, don't say that!" Ike whined. It was a very nice atmosphere in here, but I was staring at Sae who had been showing signs of nerves since she came in.

She met my stare then looked away and sighed. "However." She spoke up making the class go silent. "Even with the year's final exam, we haven't seen a single expulsion. This is unprecedented in the history of this school."

"Therefore, we will have to hold a follow-up special exam," Sae stated making me smirk.

"What?!" Everyone freaked out and complained about it.

"Did you know?" Kiyotaka asked me as I was leaning my chair back to lean on his desk and he held onto my chair to make sure I didn't fall.

"When an unexpected good anomaly appears, don't you just make it harder out of spite? That's human nature." I explained. "Well, that was our life in the White Room. This is the school of elite if it's going to be easy then make it harder."

"The school admits that you have done very well," Sae informed them.

"Then what's the deal, huh?" Yamauchi asked.

"We, the teachers, don't take the task of burdening you with an unexpected exam lightly," Sae explained.

"So she doesn't like how the school is reacting, either?" Kiyotaka hummed.

"Most don't like surprises especially if it's a life-threatening one, heart attacks can be annoying." I sighed.

"You have no right to refuse," Sae informed us.

"Teacher, what kind of exam is it?" Hirata asked.

"The special exam will be a class vote," Sae explained. "I will now explain the rules of the class vote. In four days, you will evaluate your classmates voting for three students who are worthy of praise and three students who are worthy of censure."

Sae sighed. "The student with the most positive votes will receive a special reward a new privilege known as protection point."

"A protection point?" Suzune asked.

"It allows its users to negate an expulsion they are qualified for," Sae informed us.

"That's awesome!" Yamauchi screamed like he would somehow get it.

Everyone in the class would need to be dead for him to even have a slight chance. Everyone else was screaming as well at the news, but Sae gave us the good thing first so the bad news must be worse. They are getting their hopes and happiness up for nothing.

"Does something negative happen to the three lowest placers?" Hirata asked before they got too lost in the reward.

"Only one of them will be affected," Sae answered. "The purpose of the exam is to total upvotes received, with positive votes adding points and negative votes subtracting them to determine a single top and single bottom placer."

"The single bottom placer?" Ike gulped nervously.

"Like being fed to sharks then its cousins the seagull?" I asked making Suzune just stare at me. "Everything is related one way or another! And you can have found family too!"

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