Chapter 5

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Hello HiraBegum thank you for voting  in my story. I hope you like it and keep on reading my novel.

Lin XioXiao and the others reach the hospital and did the paternity test. They we're told that it will take an hour to know the result so Lin XioXiao keep on downloading apps and games on her cellphone.

1 Hour pass and the test result came. "You guys are indeed related by blood"Doctor said,while giving the test result to Lin XioXiao.

Lin XioXiao confirmed the result and looked at Lin Xuan then slowly called him "Big Brother"

Lin Xuan was shocked and at the same time happy so he didn't have time to think and gave Lin XioXiao a hug.

Lin XioXiao was embarrassed but let him hug her. "So this is how it feels to be hug by a relative" what Lin XioXiao thought.

Lin Xuan let Lin XioXiao go and apologize . And she said it was okay. Lin XioXiao ask Lin Xuan if they can go to the school before they go home.
Lin Xuan agreed.

While Lucas that was forgotten was just looking at them with an aggrieved look.

They arrived at the school and directly came to the teacher's office and search for Lin XioXiao's homeroom teacher.

"Student Lin XioXiao what are you doing here?why aren't you still going to class."teacher, while looking at Lin Xuan and Lucas.

"And who might you be?" Teacher,while having a red face^^ ///////. Lin Xuan just stared at her coldly and didn't answer her.

The teacher blushed in embarrassment. Lucas saw this and explain. "We would like to ask for a permission to let Lin XioXiao take a leave for?" and then looked at Lin XioXiao and Lin XioXiao said 4 days.

"Why??!!Student even if you have a good grades.You can't fool around especially when the date of exam is close". Lin Xuan frowned when he heard it.

"Ma'am you see my brother is here and I requested for a leave so I can spend time together and I  also have to do many things but don't worry ma'am I will still take time to review"Lin XioXiao looked at her teacher and answered coldly.

The teacher didn't get angry because of Lin XioXiao's attitude because all the teacher's know that Lin XioXiao is particularly cold even if she has a cute and adorable face

"Then if you say so but remember you have to report here after your 5 Days leave." Lin XioXiao answered yes ma'am.

Then they took there leave and came to the mansion that Lin Xuan is staying.Lin Xuan introduce Lin XioXiao to all the maids and also took her to familiarize around the mansion .

In the evening every thing that Lin XioXiao bought was put in her room.
While the siblings we're having a dinner alone together Lin XioXiao talked about the space. Lin XioXiao was thinking that it was only right to do because it was there heirloom past from generations. Lin XioXiao also felt that Lin Xuan won't betrayed her since he loved her sister very much.

While Lin Xuan was shocked but quickly erased it in his face and told her not to reveal it to anyone since humans hearth is sinister.

Lin XioXiao was happy since she didn't made the wrong choice to tell him. She quickly told him that the end of the world must be coming since they are many weird things happening lately.

Lin Xuan didn't think it was ridiculous since they are indeed many cases such as earthquake, volcanoes erupting and many people are having a high fever etc. This year.

They quickly came up with the plan of  preparing. Lin XioXiao also told Lin Xuan that she has been buying supplies but it was not many since she didn't have much money.

Lin Xuan then gave Lin XioXiao a black card that is only 10 in the world.
He also said that she doesn't have to worry since he has a factory that sells food and drinks. He also has a connection in the hospital and medicine is no problem. While he also knows where a weapons can be purchased.

After Lin Xuan told Lin XioXiao everything she told her to rest and let him handle it. He then immediately called Lucas who is having a rest at home.

Lucas was so aggrieved but when Lin Xuan told him why he was calling him he immediately become serious and said that he can handle it.

So Early in the morning after Lin XioXiao was done with her morning routine she saw many things like foods, clothing,water, etc. delivery keep on coming.While she was looking at the supplies bought she saw her brother and Lucas talking to a  middle age woman.

"Brother!!" Lin XioXiao immediately shouted while coming near them.
"Good morning brother and Lucas who might she be?" Lin XioXiao looked at her brother then at Lucas and then lastly looking at the woman.

"Good morning XioXiao this is Mitch a famous designer and she will measure your body so that we can prepare your clothes"Lin Xuan explain.
XioXiao was the nickname that Lin Xuan especially called her since yesterday  evening.

"My what a beautiful young lady you have here."Mitch said while seizing Lin XioXiao.

"I will definitely make you all the clothes that will suit your beauty perfectly."after saying that she quickly measure Lin XioXiao.

"I have to hurry because early in the morning your brother came knocking at my door saying to quickly make clothes and shoes for her sister . He said I must make your four seasons clothes in 3 days"while saying that she looked at Lin Xuan angrily. "He also said to take all the clothes and shoes in our shop that fits you ,so let's hurry along, the more clothes you have is how much money I'll have."

After Mitch was quickly done measuring Lin XioXiao. She quickly leave the mansion in a hurry.

Lin XioXiao went to her brother and thank him."Its okay you don't have much clothes so we should buy more. I also bought the necessary things needed and I also bought snacks, dairy product,food, dessert etc. The weapons and medicine will be sent tomorrow since they are still preparing it.Tell me what you need and I will order it?" Lucas said while patting Lin XioXiao's head

Lin XioXiao wasn't hypocritical and quickly talked him the things she wants to buy like flowers,herbs, delicious dessert,cooked food etc.She also request a robot.

After she said that Lin Xuan quickly order all the things she said. He called all the famous restaurants and shops and ordered in high quantities. Lin XioXiao told him yesterday that  that her space has food preservation.

After reminding her brother and Lucas the things they need to buy,things  and strengthen the mansion she quickly left but before she left she remind them to buy the things they like.

Lin XioXiao went to the largest and most popular mall since in the past few days she only buys what she needs this time she bought everything she likes since she has unlimited money.

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