Chapter 8

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After that Lin XioXiao went home. Lin Xuan and Lucas was still in a coma when Lin XioXiao checked them.

So Lin XioXiao went to her space to organize all the things she collected.
After that she practice her abilities so she can get the hang of it.

A day past by and Lin XioXiao came out of her space and checked the situation outside.

Lin Xuan and Lucas was already awake and watching the TV where the  reporter  where reporting the things that is happening outside.

Lin Xuan saw Lin XioXiao and they greeted each other.

"Brother what is your awakened ability"

"I am windy type ability and speed type ability"

Then Lucas butt in the siblings conversation.

"Me and me!! I got a wood type ability and space ability" Lucas said while stupidily raising his hand.

Lin XioXiao told them that she has a power type ability and water type ability.

If you are asking how they know Lin XioXiao told them about it but only the abilities she knows in the novel. Lin XioXiao told them that she read it in a novel, but she didn't know all the abilities.

After that they sit in the sofa and talked about their plans.
They all eventually chose to stay in the mansion for 3 days while focusing in controlling their powers. After 3 days only then will they collect supplies and fight zombies.

3 days passed in the blink of an eye. Lin XioXiao and the two guys where getting ready they wore a sport shoes and military clothes. The clothes won't break easily and is elastic. It is comfortable and easy to move around. They also bought an empty backpack.

Lin XioXiao's space will be kept secret and only  Lucas space will be exposed in people's eyes .

They get in the car and drove to the market. They saw some people in the road they probably don't hav much food in their house so they came out of there home and collect foods.

They also saw many damaged cars along the way. They are also some zombies roaring in some closed cars. Probably When the people where in a coma they were inside their cars.

Lin XioXiao and the two guys were fighting with zombies along the way. They we're shocked and scared at first but quickly get used to it .

All three of them read some apocalypse novel when they were at home so they can get familiarize about zombies. So they quickly solved all the zombies around them by cutting their heads

They reached the market and saw many zombies around. They are many old zombies and most of the zombies where girls. They quickly get read off all of  them.

This passed three days Lin XioXiao was always in the space cultivating and practicing her powers.

She has more time because 1 hour outside the space is only  30 minutes inside the space. That means while the others are practicing for 3 days,  basically Lin XioXiao is practicing  6 days in space.

She  has already mastered her powers.
The book that she learned her  cultivation is very easy to understand and every girls can learn it as long as they have the determination and patience.

She checked her surroundings using mental power. They weren't any people around.

They collect all the things that are still okay. They were some rotten vegetables and fruits and they left them behind.  They collect all the vegetables and fruits that is still okay.

They we're also many seeds like rice seeds,mung beans, peanut,corn etc. They were also some rice,wheat, flour,salt,sugar etc. They collected all of them in Lucas space. All space power has a food preservation so the food will not be rotten but they can't put living things like animals, people and plants since the space don't have time.

While all the foods like meat,pork,seafoods, vegetables and fruits we're put in Lin XioXiao's space.

After Lucas space was full. The rest we're put in Lin XioXiao's space. They didn't put anything on there backpack since it's only for a cover and they will put some when they take some foods in the malls or stores.

After that they drive again and found some stores that has many foods like canned food,vinegar,snacks,candy, frozen food, compressed biscuits etc..

They collected them but they also make sure that they weren't any people around. They also put some foods in their backpack.

After that they went home.

While Lin XioXiao was resting in her own room,she was thinking of the nucleus in the zombies brain. It won't develop before 1 week after. The zombies right now was not strong and even an old man can kill it. The nucleus will come out one week after the end of the world.

So Lin XioXiao was planning to practice her power and also her combat Skills. Lin XioXiao  also want to collect more supplies in this whole week . Because they aren't many people looking for supplies since they are all still hiding in their home.

They were waiting for the government to save them But if they found out that the soldiers that they we're waiting for aren't coming and they don't have much food left to eat they will definitely have to go outside and collect foods.

So it's better to collect more when they aren't many people so that the space will be used more. Because After many people came out outside to collect foods. Lin XioXiao has to hide her space and they can only use Lucas space. Then they will have to collect very little supplies.

After that week past and they only collect supplies,train their combat Skills and practice their powers.

Then another week passed by quickly. Lin XioXiao collect the nucleus in the zombies brain and told her brother and Lucas how to used them. Of course she made an excuse that she found it in a novel she was reading. They believe it.

Because of the nucleus there power has become more powerful. So other than fighting zombies they also collect the nucleus in their brain. Luckily they don't have to eat the nucleus but only meditate.

Two weeks after the end of the world. The electricity and water supplies was cut off. They weren't any signal and the people become more panic as days passed .

Hey guys sorry for only updating today. I was really busy this fast few days. I saw that many people actually voted my story and I appreciate it very much. It gives me the motivation to write more chapters. I hope you liked my story.

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