Chapter 13

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While Lin XioXiao and the three guys were looking at the uninvited guess, the other sides was also measuring them.

Lin XioXiao quickly calm herself. "You must have found the wrong person.I don't remember you".

Lin XioXiao wasn't actually lying. The two were about to be roommate when the original owner's grandmother died but Lin XioXiao didn't come to the dorm . So basically they were not roommate.

They haven't even met yet. The heroine probably knows her because the original owner was popular.

Angelina was embarrassed but quickly masked it with a sad face. "How can you not remember me. You don't have to shoo me away. It's okay for you not to remember me but please let us stay here first. My friends is very tired . We just came here to rest".

It's like basically saying that she knows her but she pretend that she didn't know her because she didn't want them to take the supplies. Then other people will think that  Lin XioXiao has a bad attitude.

And sure enough some of the people who we're with Angelina has a black face.

Now Lin XioXiao knows that the girl was a real bitch.

The three guys with Lin XioXiao was very smart so of course they  already felt that Angelina is a scheming woman.

Lin Xuan step out

"Lin XioXiao never even went to the dormitory so of course you guys don't know each other." Then he looked at Lin XioXiao. "You were probably so popular in school that everyone knows you"

"Let's go leave them here, will take the rest of the supplies since they said they didn't come here for the supplies so we won't have any fight so let them rest here" Lin XioXiao then went to another store.

Then Lin Xuan and the others followed her leaving Angelina and her friends. Embarrassed

Of course they came here for the supplies since they weren't many people who comes here so they all thought that they will be many supplies here. They took the risk even if it's a dangerous place

They looked at Angelina with an angry face since she was the one who said that they didn't came here for the supplies

.Of course they will not take initiative to ask for supplies since they still want face and besides even if they want it, it's not like the other party will give it

They were not so poor that they will beg others for food. All of them were rich before the end of the world after all.

One of the two girls beside Angelina was actually her best friend in school. Her name was Mielle she has a space type ability. She wasn't super rich like  the rest in the group and she was not a beautiful girl. She was just very smart but not as smart as Lin XioXiao

She was grateful for Angelina since she treats her as a friend even though Angelina was popular and she was just a nerd.

She's a cannon fodder in the book and she will die saving the heroine.

The other girl was one of the female supporting character.

She was very jealous of the heroine because ever since she was a child she was always the center of attention but when compared to the heroine she was no match at all. Family background,beauty and talent.

She has poison type ability and always make things difficult for the heroine and when she tried to push the heroine in a place full of zombies but she didn't succeed since the guys who liked the heroine found it in time . The female supporting character eventually reach her doom.

The three guys was actually just a cannon fodder who liked the heroine and will do everything for her but it was when they felt that the heroine was beautiful and powerful but now Angelina doesn't have a space so she wasn't particularly clean and beautiful like Lin XioXiao.

While the two boys was just a mob character.

Angelina also has a powerful background. Her family were rich and she was the only child. After the end of the world her parents became a zombie and she gained a power that can heal and water type ability.

Even though she has a water type ability she has to saved more water to drink, that's why she couldn't even bath everyday since her power is easily exhausted.

But in the end of the world she  also has a clean appearance unlike other people who can't even take a bath.

On the other sides Lin XioXiao wasn't scared or bothered that she may be hated by the heroine.

But she was curious why the male lead and his friends wasn't with the heroine.

Lin XioXiao and the three boys took the rest of the supplies and didn't even left anything. And then they drove away.

And when Angelina's team found out it was already too late and Lin XioXiao and the others wasn't seen anywhere.

They checked each stores but didn't even find any foods and water to drink.

Lin XioXiao and the three guys at this moment is already on the way to other places.

I'm sorry for the slow update Ive been busy this days and I might only update once a week unlike before I started. Or maybe not even an update in a week.

It's also because I don't know what to write and I may have used up my imagination LOL 😆 😂

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