Highway to hell

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Stiles POV
We all sat in a circle eating pizza on the bottom floor of the hotel. We were sharing funny stories about our life's and it was a blast.

Ally was in the middle of her story about her fallintg in Horse shit and it did gain a few giggles. "I was riding on Mindy okay?! Mum scared her and she ran! I jumped off and landed in the shit pit!" El burst out laughing.

I looked at Benny to see him staring at something. I follow his gaze to see Scott and his pack a few floors up from us.

"You two paying attention?" Ally asked. We both turn around only to end up getting a whack by Ally's hat.

"There. That'll wake them up!" I let put an annoyed sigh. "We were ready awake" I say back. She giggles a little and places the hat back on her head.

Suddenly I feel a heat rush through me. Shit. The rider needs out. Fuck!

"Guys I need to go somewhere really quick" I say to them. They looked at me confused and Benny just stares at me suspiciously.

"OK but be back I got a good story to tell" El emphasized. I chuckled and walked out the hotel and into an alley way.

The heat got hotter and I felt myself turning into the rider. I felt my eyes go burning orange and my skin started to scrap off.

Fire sprouted out of My head and my skull shined through. (Gif above) Chains wrapped around my shoulders as leather covered my clothing.

Third person
The rider smirked and held our his hand as if he was trying to catch thor's hammer. Instead of a hammer coming at him, his motorbike Ronda raced through.

Fire coming out of its tires and a fire line trailed behind it.

Stiles smiled and hoped on it and road off. He came to his stop to see Elvera and Ally walking along a street. He was confused. Were the two girls the bad ones or were they the victims.

Surely the victims

Stiles voice rang through their head. It looked like they were coming back from the pizza shop down the road. Must've ran out.

They passed by an alley way and that's when Stiles got ready. Suddenly Ally was pulled into the alley way.

El stopped and ran back in. That's when Stiles striked. He road across the road and into the alley way.

Despite being on the most noisest vehicle alive he managed to keep it quiet. He watched as Ally struggled against a man's grip while El was pushed into a wall roughly.

"I would let go of those woman if I were you" the gruff threating voice made all heads turn to him. Stiles glared at the men. The riders rage built up high.

"Why should listen to you?" A man snarked. He bared his teeth, and his eyes colored blue. "Pack it up werewolf. Or else you'll become a burnt mutt" the Rider growled.

"Awe cute. The ghost rider gonna burn me" the man said in a baby voice. Stiles felt more anger consume him. He ripped off the chains from his shoulder and they wrapped around the Werewolf.

"Holy shit balls" Ally mumbled. El looked shocked but managed to get a hold of herself because she stood on the toes of the man holding her and flipped him on his back.

Stiles started attacking too while elvera was taking care off the gut she flipped. Stiles ripped the man off Ally and through him at a wall and another pair of chains wrapped around him too.

The chains tightened and start burning the flesh of the Werwolves. Ally looked at it in shock and hid behind a set of rubbishbins.

She then felt hands grabbed deer shoulders so she turns around and kicks whoever it was. The person groaned and fell to the ground.

She squinted her eyes just to see the familiar blonde, Benny. "Man you got sharp heels" He whispered.

"What are you doing here?" Ally whispered harshly then turned her head just as Elvera kicked the man into the trash bags on the other side of the bin.

"Saving your asses." Benny spoke. He got up and gestured for Ally to stay put. He quickly dragged elvera down which was a it of a struggle since she was a fighter.

She saw him and Ally and immediately stopped her protest. "Stay here" Benny ordered and raced off. The girls looked over the bins to see the flame man burning the rest of the werewolves.

They watched as Benny stood there watching so.... casually.

"OK rider you can calm down now" Benny spoke. The rider gave him a quick glance then turn back to burning the flesh of the werewolves.

"I don't listen to puny mortals" The ghost rider growled. Benny's Jaw clenched. He's fangs bared and his eyes went black with the fangs showing from under his eyes.

"Your veins don't scare me kid" Benny smirked and he's black eyes started glowing red. The Iris was blood red as the rest of his eyes were pitch black.

The ghost rider stopped what he was doing and looked at Benny. Something seemed so familiar about them.

About the boy himself.

The chains retracted from the werewolves but sudden flames engulfed their bodies. The girls watched in horror.

Benny was a bloody vampire and this flame man just killed two werwolves.

The rider then snapped its head at the girls and the two stand up and started racing down the alley way.

Benny, who was panicked vamp speeded infront of them. Ally let out a squeak and Elvera stood infront of Her.

She reached into her boot and pulled out a mini hand gun. "I am trained in hand on hand combat!" She yelled out. She usually didn't fight unless provoked or ordered too.

Benny was confused and was neither the least unindimitated. "Put the gun down El before you hurt yourself" He spoke. El shook her hand and held it tighter.

Benny rolled his eyes and took the gun with such force it smashed and crumbled in his hands. El stood in shock while ally stared at the ghost rider.

The man got on his bike and rode away in such speed that she didn't know where he went.

"Darn it El you made meose Stiles!" Benny yelled out. Ally snapped her head at him.


Time skip
Elvera, ally and Benny waited for Stiles. Each sitting on the bed waiting. The door opened and they stood up.

Stiles walked in with soot covered boots and a face of confusion and worry. He saw the group and gulped.

"You got a lot of explained to do Stiles Stilinski" Elvera Told him in a threatening tone.

"I'm the Ghost rider. Killer of sinners. Spark of death. Rider of souls" Stiles spoke lowly. Benny looked out the window. He should've seen this. It was so obvious!

Stiles looked down only to fell two pair of arms wrap around him. "Glad to hear you say that. Better than lies!" Ally chimed out. The two girls let go as tot he heat radiating off the boy.

"You are one hot fella" Elvera teased. Stiles chuckled nervously then the girls turned to Benny with hardened looks. Elvera though of an idea that would help with some tension.


"How about we have a secret reveal circle? I think we all have something that we're all hiding"

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