23. Windy Whispers

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The long almond eyes shine brighter than he ever saw. The chilly breeze of the evening was passing by them without disturbing the silence of the two. The trembling hands searched for something to hold on and the heart couldn't beat slower. With the cold water touching their foot, their brain felt frozen too. It's been moments after the alpha uttered the words and the omega was still trying to digest what he just heard. 

Taehyung does specifically nothing. He just sits back and admires nature. Or walks around with a smile and talks to people with softness. His deep velvety voice was smooth hits everyone's heart straight and would want to hear more. Taehyung just exists and Jungkook found the reason for his happiness.

Blinking twice at the omega prince, Jungkook averted his gaze. He doesn't know if he would ever succeed in expressing the meaning of happiness to Taehyung. So he kept his mum, gulped down the unsaid thirst of his heart with tired eyes. The silence was broken only when Taehyung chimed in his head with a sweet chuckle.

"Jeon, we haven't even talked without cutting each other for ten minutes. All we had between us was rivalry and insults of each other. Then how can you say tha---"

"Trust me..."

Jungkook breathed out. It came out like a whisper but he felt relieved after putting that burden down from his sore heart. Passing a glance at Taehyung, Jungkook read the expression of the other as fast as he can. The surprised hint wasn't leaving from the flawless face of the omega. Without saying further, Jungkook averted his gaze to enjoy the silence between them. There was an urge creeping up in his head to explain his answer to Taehyung, let the other know how the omega was exploited on his peaceful self and the alpha failed to stop himself. He tried his best to fetch words inside to describe the feelings.

"I never knew that happiness feels like this... And I needed you to teach me that..."

Jungkook paused abruptly. He didn't want to talk more and spoil the beauty of those feelings with words. Some things are beautiful in that way. Unsaid and unknown. They both were fascinated by the mysteries so much that neither Jungkook nor Taehyung broke the silence to speak more about that.

But sure, the omega wasn't feeling sane. His heart just skipped some beats when he heard Jungkook expressing a secret to him. That too is a sacred one. He never thought being the reason for someone's happiness felt this good. He never tried something like that. Taehyung's mind lingered on the words of Jungkook, tried his best to register the honest emotions laced between the averted gaze of the alpha. He trusts Jungkook. Don't ask him why, but the doe eyes were always had answers for Taehyung's bewildering questions. Even if the alpha doesn't speak a lot, his eyes confess what Taehyung wants to hear the most.

"What about you?"

The omega was expecting the question. He glanced at Jungkook who was in deep anticipation to hear his answer. With a small smile, Taehyung let his mind wander.

"Hmm... For me... The stars make me happy, the freshly bloomed flowers, the pups running around, the tiny birds with soft feathers... All those little things make me happy."

Jungkook wonders. What's so much with those little things? He was expecting that answer from Taehyung. Somehow the omega made it clear that it was easy to make him happy. Now all Jungkook would have to do is make up a mind to protect the reasons of his mate's happiness.

"People think we like small things because we're easygoing. But no. It's difficult to guess our reasons to hold on and leave."

Taehyung said in a low tone as if he didn't want Jungkook to hear them. But the alpha did. Jungkook nodded in agreement. For him, Taehyung was never easy. He was barely surviving in the attempt of reading the almond orbs of the omega and the meanings of the silence between them. It scratches his nerves that he couldn't make it any sooner and Taehyung wasn't helping him either. Day by day, they were getting close as much as becoming strangers. Even after spending a whole night with the mate, when the morning happens, it feels like they're meeting for the first time. The glow, the stories, the smile - everything looks brand new also deep in the void.

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