42. Meant To Be

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The wind chased the scent of the omega as he walked faster towards the office room, thoughts filling up his already distressed mind. He groaned at the sight of the busy people around him and pushed the door open to his office. His assistant stood in front of him a moment after the omega seated on the chair, yanking the iPad from the table.

His dark almond brown eyes were glued to the screen, lips tightly pressed, hand balled into a fist as he scrolled through the piece of information placed in front of him on the tablet screen.

"Mr. Kim, the defendant is not ready to back out from the case. We need to find the evidence before the next lawsuit or---"

"---then why are you here? Why did I hire these people if I, myself, am supposed to do all these jobs? You think I'm sitting jobless here to find evidence for a cheap Barbeque store robbery?"

The lawyer exploded into flames, making the assistant shake in fear. Of course, there were days like this in their life more often, but he was a bit relieved for at least some time, the omega lawyer was calm. Now they're back to square one. Lowering his head, the younger male muttered an apology, eyes pleading for the lawyer's mercy.

"What's my schedule for the day?"

Placing the iPad rather harshly on the table, the omega asked, forcing the beta assistant to look up at him and answer his senior. The male switched on his tablet and searched through the notes he made, careful to not make the omega more furious. He read the schedule out loud one by one.

"Mr. Kim, you have a meeting fixed with Mr.Choi, the director general of Hyonsung group, then at 01:30, the lawsuit regarding the case of Mrs. Han Jiwon, and then at 5:00, we have a board meeting declared by you---"

The assistant wasn't looking up from the device in his hand, reading like a robot but the fear was evident in his voice. The omega lawyer said nothing until they heard a knock on the door. He cursed out loud, glaring at his assistant.

"I'm sorry, I'll get it"

Murmuring those words under his breath, the beta male walked towards the door, praying for the person on the other side to leave the company safe and sound. Because on a day like this, no one lets any visitors near Mr.Kim, knowing the aggressive demeanor of the man.

Once he opened the door and peeked outside, he found a very familiar man standing in front of the door, a bouquet in his hands, a small smile on his lips. The assistant was counting stars when their eyes met, knowing what was on his way once he let the visitor in.

"Choi Yeonjun!" The warning came from the omega lawyer and the beta assistant looked back at the man sitting ferociously on his chair. He gulped down a big lump in his throat before answering.

"Yes, Mr. Kim."

"Who is it?"

The stern voice made him shudder and Yeonjun suddenly remembered the extreme his boss can go to if something or someone angers him. With the hesitance still lingering, the assistant replied in an ever-so-soft voice.

"It's... Kim Yugyeom"

He witnessed the disgust in the lawyer's expression that was enough to scare him because he knew how twisted everything was between the two. Though Yeonjun was unaware of many things, including the prime reason for the distaste of his boss towards Yugyeom, he was clever enough to conclude that the alpha and his business were not a good thing to mess with.

With that lingering in his mind, Yeonjun stared at his boss, thriving to hear an answer from the man while scanning the unreadable expression of Taehyung.

"Let him in"

Yeonjun held the door open as soon as he heard his boss muttering and the alpha male who passed a smug at his side walked inside with an inexplicable aura and a smirky smile on his lips. The omega didn't look up, knowing right away the alpha was staring at his soul, wanting to get his attention so badly on him.

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