34. Scarlet Dreams

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The wide floor-to-ceiling wall stood tall in front of him, the transparent view giving him chills as he glanced outside. The world looked small through his window. It was like another messy painting of a Bacchanalian artist, with brush strokes nearly perfect yet the whole portrait looked out of place. Like him, as he stood tall and proud, but the heart and mind away from him, thoughts tangled up inside.

The Louis Vuitton coat fitted his frame like his second skin, the tip of his black hair combed neatly, touching the back of his neck, the Cartier watch on his wrist showed the time 10:14, a frustrated sigh leaving his mouth as he watched the vehicles through the glass window, accelerating from one destination to another.

It can't be true. The lawyer cursed under his breath when he felt a stab right in his neck. He suppressed the urge to cover the mate mark and protect it from hurting. His head was bursting with lots of things happening around him, also the headache from the painful drinking of yesterday was intolerable.

Everything around him was either colorless or grey. He was depleted day by day by all this and still got no other choice than to move on so he does that. Like nothing happened, he watched the days ending, nights welcoming with warmth, seasons changing and he was again pushed to go along with the plan.

Everything around him reminded him of a well-written fortune book. Everything was a part of a master plan, a defined fate that Taehyung hates to the moon and will admit that it sucks. The lawyer was very good at being spontaneous. His words, actions, feelings- everything. He doesn't believe a perfect plan can be as beautiful as being unexpected, and neither is destiny. Why does he say that? Well, long story, some other time.

Clutching his neck, Taehyung poured a glass of water, as he leaned onto the mahogany desk. He had a meeting at sharp 9:00. Taehyung remembers vaguely how he threatened a certain someone to be punctual and show up at his office. But as he expected, to intensify his contempt towards him, the said alpha didn't show up and Taehyung was furious.

He was burning in and out for more than one reason, cheeks red from the anger towards Jungkook and the frustration of waiting almost an hour for him, even postponing his every important meeting of the day. It's been so long that Taehyung has been waiting for the man, all set to teach the other a lesson but nothing happened. That's why he hated Jungkook even more after every meeting. The man doesn't let down a chance to annoy the hell out of him.

Weird enough, he was feeling disorganized. Taehyung decided to settle on his chair, and call his assistant Yeonjun to fix a meeting with other affiliates. All this time, he was ignoring the excruciating pain in his neck that now spread to his whole body, the itch to scratch the wounds that are yet to heal but he couldn't do it anymore. It was suffocating. This was Bastardizing his guts, messing with his truce and Taehyung decided to go through the bunch of files in front of him instead of giving more room for the obscure feelings in his head.

That's when the door opened, revealing a heavily breathing Yeonjun who had his phone in one hand, fear written all over his face. Taehyung shuddered from the sudden sound of the door and the screaming of his assistant. He stood up from the seat, equally concerned as Yeonjun. His heart was already tightening at the glimpse of the younger, which gives off the vibe that something was wrong.

"Mr. Kim... We... I mean he... Your ma---"

Taehyung didn't wait for Yeonjun to complete the sentence. Picking up the car key from the table, he ran out of his room, leaving a stunned assistant behind who later picked up the hint and followed his boss. In a snap, they were in the car, Taehyung driving so fast, not even caring about the traffic rules at this point. He connected his phone to the car and scanned through something which gave the location of an old building in Gangnam- gu. The younger was too flabbergasted to ask anything, so he kept his mum and averted his gaze to the road.

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