Chapter 1: No Universal Energy

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January 2013

I look at all the books in front of me. I've read more books these past eight months than I have done in the past three years in my universe, but it's mostly because nothing here is as I thought it will be. I thought that by spending time with the Ancient One I will be seeing things from an inside perspective but she is weirdly quiet, not to mention my inability to perform any type of spell. I have tried it so much. The Ancient One even took me to Everest like she did with Dr. Strange in the movie but I almost died there, not being able to open any portals. She still makes me attend the training, but it's really no point. 

"I am done. I am tired. We have tried everything. I am just a failure, nothing works as it should." I say and for the first time in what it seems forever, I am having a breakdown. I roll my eyes and run to my bedroom in Kamar-Taj. I hear the Ancient One following me and I don't bother closing the door. 

"You need to be patient with yourself." She speaks softly like the wise person she is. 

"Look, I have been patient for the last 8 months. I cannot do this. Something is definitely wrong." I raise my voice and she looks straight into my eyes. "My period didn't come for the past months. I am definitely not pregnant either, cause I haven't had sex for about one year before my popping into this universe, and I definitely did not sleep with anyone here, nor do I have a belly. So of course at first I thought it might be because of climate change or something, but clearly, it is not because of that. I can't do spells either and it honestly feels like I have no energy to draw my spells from. So tell me Ancient One! For how long do I still need to be patient?" I furiously take all my anger upon her and she takes a sit on the edge of my bed. 

"Have a little faith. Right now, your energy potential is at an all-time high." She tells me on a calm note and I roll my eyes at all her bullshit. "You cannot draw the personal energy, not because you lack it, but because the one who brought you here cast a spell onto you that protects your energy from dissipating, preventing you from aging, which is why you haven't bled since arriving here." She finally lets out some really interesting piece of information. 

"So can you reverse the spell?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Only the one who cast it can reverse it."

"Well, that's great. All I need now is a fucking diary and you can call me Salvatore. Or worse, give me glitter call me a fucking Cullen." I whisper more to myself.

"You are not a vampire dear." The Ancient One actually got my reference and I am now officially stunned. What doesn't this woman know? However, I am more surprised those movies made it to this universe. 

"Aren't I? In the vampire diaries, you can't really be a witch if you become a vampire, just like here, my energy won't dissipate hence I can't be a witch." I chuckle finally understanding that.

"That's nice, and it's excellent to see you still know your pop culture, but things here aren't quite as they are in a teen drama." She tells me and I remember she is actually really old.

"Right, I keep forgetting about you drawing dark magic to stay alive" She suddenly turns to me scared of what I had just said and I tilt my head watching her almost terrified. "Relax" I whisper, "I've seen the movies, it's all for the greater good, blah blah. I don't judge you." I smile trying to calm her down. Woah, I have never seen her like this. All flustered, checking if anyone has heard. "Can you do that for me? Can I draw Dimensional Energy?" I ask nicely and she laughs.

She can actually laugh. Wow. I have unlocked a whole new Ancient One. 


"Why not? I am dimensional too." I speak and her smile fades into a serious look. 

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