Chapter 23: No self-preservation instinct

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"Let's start with the beginning. We know Agamotto sent me to that universe that you say he hid and managed to also curse me tight to it. Was he that powerful to do it alone?" I ask and Kang crosses his arms looking at me.

"He had a lot of powerful friends too, but there's no use following that lead because the son of a bitch erased his trace. I tried to follow his moves but he kept jumping from one dimension to another, making it impossible for me to keep tabs on him."

"What I don't understand is how you knew about me. How could you know if he made sure to hide that universe so good for so long?" I ask him and he smiles.

"I didn't. That's how good he was." He shrugs and I furrow my brows. "There was nothing out of the ordinary. There have been rumors of him creating a relic so powerful it could change the world we live in. Some said its power was greater than the ones of all infinity stones from all universes combined as it had the power to control the whole Multiverse, something even more powerful than the books the witches created. I have been in a lot of universes and I only heard about this rumor in this one, and much to my surprise this was the only one in which he returned to Earth in 1345, so I measured the energy before and after he left, and never matched the type to anything until the events of this timeline were changed and I found you. It was not an exact match but it was the closest one. I followed your past in this universe from the moment you got here in 2012. You were the one talking about being from a different universe." Kang tells me and I tilt my head watching him.

"What are you implying?" I ask confused trying to follow him into his explanation.

"Whatever he created is tightly connected with you. Might be at the heart of that universe. If that relic is as powerful as the rumors make it be, it would contain the power to hide a whole universe from anyone." He tells me and I gulp looking at him.

"It still doesn't answer the question of why they abandoned me," I whisper and Kang presses his lips into a thin line.

"More reasons that point to you being tightly connected to that relic." He tells me and I roll my eyes. For so long I wished that I was somehow part of the MCU and now that Kang tells me all this, it's not how I imagined. I never wanted me to be a connection to some archaic sorcerer relic. I just wanted to be like a normal kid that one day clumsily falls and then for some big coincidence, gets these great powers that they have to learn how to control and bing bam poof, they get sought out by the Avengers, become one and somehow they can save the world while still having a semi normal life when they go to work or school.

"If that even exists. Come on Kang at this point it all feels a little far-fetched." I let my head fall back exhausted by this conversation and more so the repulsion towards the idea of this even being possible.

"Maybe you are its fail-safe in case someone found it," Kang speaks and it makes a little sense but I am still confused.

"Why would he make it so that I forget my memories? I mean first of all, how do you know I even came back to this universe other times?" I ask him and he looks like he is not sure whether to tell me or not. "Come on Kang, I am useless like this for you. You want that universe, how am I supposed to help you get there if I can't remember shit?." I add not even minding what the consequences of Kang getting to that universe might be.

Kang gives in and gestures for me to follow him as he stands up. We move into a huge room full of weird tech things, it feels like a museum of the evolution of technology and he has everything in here. We end up at the end of the exposition and I see the date. Kang is really from the far future. I gulp looking at him as he points to a medium size device.

"See this? This helps me measure the energy of a planet at certain times. All I had to do was measure it one day before the war which changed the timeline. The energy was a close match and as I knew how the events of that war unfolded and you were the only variable that shouldn't have been there, all I had to do was trace your steps back to when you got here in 2012. You had a diary in which you wrote a lot of interesting dates and events, including the Infinity Stones War. 2008 was the first date you wrote in that journal of yours and I started with that one, I was not disappointed to find a day in that year in which the energy was even a closer match." He says and I take a deep breath in.

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