Chapter 10: Not enough time

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What do you do when someone tells you they care about you? Do you close the door behind you? Do you run away? Or do you stay?

I close the door behind me and I squeeze my eyes shut. He just told me himself that he cares about me and I left. I keep remembering how Steve left too in Endgame and I hated him for that. I get that he was trying to go back to Peggy, but he left Bucky all alone again. Did I just pull a Steve? I gulp as I climb down the stairs in his building.

No, this is for the better. I don't want to hurt him. Did I do that already? I shouldn't have said anything to him. My stupid mind and its manipulation fear made me do it. Fuck! What am I supposed to do? Do I tell him everything and risk the total destruction of the reality of this timeline? Do I run away and let him get over this and try again to live in this universe without ruining someone else's life? What am I supposed to do?

I turn around and climb up the stairs. I don't want to start again in this universe. I wouldn't know where to start. I sigh as I stop climbing the floors. I can't go back there. I cannot tell him the truth. He doesn't trust me anyway, now less than ever. It's pointless. Where did all my inner voices disappear? What do I do?

I go downstairs again and I sigh looking up. Okay Y/n, think already. Fuck. I take my phone out and I go on my online chat with James and I squeeze my eyes shut. I scroll through my pictures and videos and I pick one that I really like of Bucky. I select the video and press send.

Why did you send him that? It has scenes from Civil War. I hear my inner voice finally showing up and I try to delete the message but it's too late. He's already seen it. I run upstairs and open the door to find him staring confused at his screen as he's sitting on the couch.

"What is this?" He asks not taking his eyes off of the video. "Where did you get this from?" He asks really confused. I sigh looking at him. It's too late.

"You wanted to know the truth. This is it." I speak and I take a few steps and join him on the couch. "I am not from this universe. This universe is a movie franchise in my universe." I say and he scratches his head watching me and his phone again.

"What painkillers did the hospital give you?" He watches me confused. "What movies? Y/n that happened! That was real." He adds looking for more answers.

"I know. For you it was real. For me, it was a movie, well more like 24 movies and a few tv shows." I say and he shakes his head.

"Okay I've seen what drugs can do to someone," he says trying to remain rational.
I pull out my phone and search for a video to show him.

I turn my phone towards him and he pauses it.
"They are actors." He whispers looking at me and I nod. "God this is so weird seeing Steve and that guy who looks awfully a lot like me." He adds and I press my lips together.

"Well imagine how it was for me to see one of my favorite characters alive and in front of me," I say and he furrows his brows.

"So when I first met you, it wasn't Steve on your lock screen. It was this guy, wasn't it?" He says and I nod. He turns his attention to the screen and I look at him smiling at the end of it. "They sound like us." He says and I can see tears in his eyes. "But happier," James adds and I gulp. "And the other me still has both his arms." He presses his lips into a thin line.

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