Chapter 19: Not an acquaintance

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I look at him up and down a tad worried he might have actually met a variant of mine which is surreal for me at this moment. There is a person who looks just like me in this universe and I can barely contain my excitement.

"What?" I smile looking at him and he tilts his head squeezing his eyes, his smile fading completely.

"You do not recognize me?" He asks and I shake my head. I most definitely do not remember spending a whole summer with Loki Odinson. "Must have gotten the wrong Y/n then. I apologize." He takes a deep breath in and I bite my inner cheek trying to stop smiling. It is so weird actually meeting him.

"Don't worry.", I whisper still in awe as he moves back closer to the door. "Do you work here?" I ask him not quite sure as to what is happening in the TVA anymore.

"It's complicated." He smiles at me and I sigh. I know everything about him and he actually spent a whole summer with a variant of mine. It feels like we know each other but at the same time we truly don't and it's weird. This whole variant thing is weird. It's weird to think that Tom Hiddleston in my universe is a variant of Loki that plays Loki in a TV show. It is weird that a variant of mine in this universe actually got to spend a summer together with that Loki. I wonder what they actually did that summer and when it actually was.

"I should get back there.", Loki speaks and I nod even though the curiosity burns me right now so much I can feel it in my body. "You really don't remember me?" He asks in disbelief and I shake my head.

"When was it?" I ask but he flings his hand in the air almost telling me never mind. "Did you get along with that variant of mine?" I ask crossing my legs and the edge of the bed and he gives me a wicked smile.

"We were kids. You were wandering around in Asgard, well another version of you, I suppose. We got along well, basically inseparable until our fathers found you and took you back to Midgard." Loki tells me and I frown my brows. How did that variant get to Asgard?

"That seems fun. How did my variant get there and why wasn't that timeline pruned?" I ask and he raises a brow.

"I never really thought about it. I didn't know about this place back then. I just never saw you again after that." He shrugs and I nod finding it quite weird.

"How do you know it was me tho? I mean if we were kids back then and now I am a fully grown adult." I ask smiling and he laughs.

"You looked really familiar and then I saw the necklace. The girl was wearing one that looked just like that." He smiles and I look down at my necklace. I have been wearing this since I can remember. It was a gift from my parents and I never really took it off. It's really amazing how in this universe the parents have the same exact taste in jewelry.

"Oh, I suppose that makes sense.", I say a little confused placing my fingers on the necklace and he glues his eyes to the pendant frowning a little.

"Yeah, apologies for barging in like that. I hope everything will work out well for you." He speaks and I gulp looking at him as he turns around and leaves giving me no time to respond.

This whole multiverse thing is crazy. I cannot believe there is a universe in which one version of me actually got to hang out with Loki. My mind feels like it's going to explode just thinking about everything. I cannot comprehend the immensity of it all.

I do not know how time passes in here but it seems to move slowly. It feels like I have been kept in this cell for a few days now and nobody really wants to talk to me. I am bored out of my fucking mind and I feel like I will go insane soon. All I do all day is watch the people passing by my hallway, think about my life, and think about everything that has happened especially after I got dragged into this universe. I now start to think it's all a dream as it all seems surreal. A long-ass dream that turned into a nightmare. The only thing keeping me sane is thinking about my time with James and how fun those years in Romania were.

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