Chapter 15: You are my home

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*Flashback 2017. No-magic Universe.*

"Admit it. You did have fun." Amber speaks as she's been trying to make me go to the stupid parties since college started.

"Mmmh, alright. It was indeed super fun. Thank you, guys." I smile not believing it took me two months to finally embrace the college parties and get out of the apartment.

"You're very welcome."  Flynn smiles and winks as he shows us some weed. "Now how about we continue our own little fun? I feel like chilling a bit."

The three of us get on the couch and we start smoking as Flynn decides to finally open up.

"I am not sure if you guys know but I met this girl."

"Oh, you mean when you were saying you were out with the imaginary guys you weren't actually with them? What a shocker!" Amber acts as if she is surprised and we laugh as we both expected it's a girl. Flynn has always been the incurable person that is in love with the idea of love and finding the perfect soulmate. Ever since we moved to New York, he's been trying to  lie to us and himself telling us he has changed and become a new guy,  but I and Amber both knew from the get-go he actually found a new girl  he thinks it's his soulmate.

"I really think she's the one, guys. So what do you say, I invite her tomorrow here so you  guys can meet and see for yourselves?" He asks and I nod.

"I am in, but please just please take it slow," I say knowing already how it is going to end.

"Come on guys. I know this is the one. She is perfect. Plus she loves Nick Farhi's paint work  so, Amber you have a lot to talk to her about and she actually has seen Star Wars and she loves it, so uhm, you know... just try to act on your  best behavior, for me." He smiles and Amber tilts her head.

"You are just adorable. Of course, we will meet her and we won't bite. Now I want to see a picture first." Amber speaks and I laugh looking at them gushing at the fact this girl is super hot. I do have to admit staying in an apartment with a straight guy and a lesbian is almost making me give girls a try. All I hear is how amazing women are and with my luck in guys, I might as well switch teams.

"Oh speaking of,  there's this girl I want to bring home, but uhm she is a bit anxious, so could you guys leave the apartment for a few hours next week?" Amber asks and I sigh laughing.

"Well Ragnarok is coming out next week so I might as well see it when your friend gets here. Flynn, do want to join?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Maybe, we'll see."  He says and that usually means no, so I am not even going to try. I am used to seeing 'commercial' movies alone at the cinema and I have embraced this. "But I have a more important question, how is Tinder  working out for you?" He asks me and I sigh laughing.

"Well let's see. Most guys want to hook up, a lot of them are jerks before I get to go on a date with them and the ones I have hooked up with, never called me again, so uhm, it's going great." I roll my eyes laughing.

"Well, at least you get to have sex." Amber laughs and I nod.

"Yeah, at least I get that, but with some of them, I really think if I stayed home and masturbated I would have felt way better," I admit and shrug. "I am not sure Tinder is for me, to be honest, I mean sure once in a while I get to have great sex, but the conversations suck man." I sigh and Flynn presses his lips into a thin line.

"Have you tried meeting someone in a place of a hobby of yours and just start up a  conversation?" Flynn asks a bit worried and I shrug.

"We're in New York, I don't know if you noticed but most young people are really focused on themselves and their careers. No one has time for dating anymore, but really guys, appreciate the effort, but I am okay. I will just focus on  getting this computer science degree and then I will worry about whom I am spending the rest of my life with." I smile and they nod.

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