Chapter 3: No fanfiction vibe

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September 15, 2014

I had my first day of work in Romania and it was very different from what I did in my universe. I mean going from graphic designer to English teacher is quite different. But it was different in so many ways because no one told me that in Romania on the first day of school there's no actual school. Kids just come in at a festive school year entry and apparently they all go in their classroom with their headteacher. I am not a headteacher yet, so after all the festivity ended, I actually came back home. I don't even know why I was scared. The only person I talked to was the principal. He gave me my schedule and school here is different from the US, as I don't have my classroom. Every grade has its own classroom and they change it only once in four years. The only special classes are physics, chemistry, biology, informatics, and physical education because these are the only classes that require a laboratory or a gym. Basically, I have a teacher's lounge room as I like to call it, where I can place all my materials and stay there during my breaks, but I have to walk into the classrooms where the kids wait for me. It was a short day today for me and I can't even complain. It started really perfectly, today was the first time I didn't wish this was a dream, being in this universe is starting to be quite lovely.

I put the pen down and close the little black notebook that I have made my diary be. I look over the notes of my first lecture for tomorrow cause I actually have a class tomorrow and I make myself some dinner going through my phone watching the old TikToks I have saved. If there's something I miss from my Universe is TikTok. Why? You only liked it for the cute videos that would help you imagine you being part of the MCU or Hogwarts. You are here now. Why do you miss TikTok? My inner voice does have a point but at the same time, it was a little easier in my Universe being the perfect girl for every character in the MCU. Here I am struggling to be Bucky's friend and it takes way longer than in the fanfictions I have read. I shake my head laughing at my thoughts and I open Wattpad. Good thing I have saved some books.Oh goodie! I found a Marvel Imagines book and I laugh scrolling through the titles and my eyes lay on an interesting one: Stuck in Quarantine || Bucky. Hmm, now this sounds interesting.

Being locked down in the avengers' facility really forced us to become even more united. As if it wasn't enough for me to see Bucky now and then, but now I am stuck in the same house with Bucky and see him every god damn day. I can't handle the way he looks at me with those blue eyes. I hate the accidental touches because they send chills down my spine. I can't take any more of being in the same house with him and everyone here, there is no moment I am alone with him.

Today is no different. I wake up from the comfortable bed and go downstairs to drink my morning coffee. I am always the last one to wake up, it's not my fault I stay up all night and imagine Bucky railing me. I smile walking towards the kitchen and see Nat and Bruce making sandwiches for breakfast.

"Morning lazy." Nat smiles as she sees me and I wave not even being able to talk until I get a taste of coffee. I look around and the place looks kind of empty for how I am used to seeing it at this hour. "Where is everyone?" I ask as hearing all the silence.

"Oh, well Rogers, Vision, and Thor went on a walk somewhere in the forest, god knows what Stark and Spidey are doing and I think Barnes is doing his usual training ." Nat chuckles and I nod trying not to smirk when I find out Bucky is alone now.

"Right, well since it's so quiet I might as well go and enjoy my morning coffee outside," I say and I take the mug of coffee and go outside to sit on a bench, knowing all too well that I have a perfect view of Bucky training.

I gulp as I sit on the bench as I did not realize he was shirtless. Oh shit... he looks like a fucking Greek God with sculpted abs and damn those thighs are going to be the death of me. Damn his arms too, at this point I don't know if I prefer the metal one or the flesh one. How can you be so perfect?

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