Chapter 11: No stranger encounters

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There it was. Feeling helpless again. Feeling lost in the multitude of this once beloved universe from the comfort of a screen. I am not sure whether I can cling to the idea of becoming someone's friend here. Everyone here has a sad fate. I think the so-called heroes are cursed with the burden of making sure people get to live their life while they are just trying to stay alive in the open fire. Maybe Steve was right when he left back in time to live his life with Peggy. I have hated his decision for so long, but I get it now, he was tired of being cursed, he just wanted to get out, he wanted to go back to his safe haven. Who can blame him? I can't. All I want right now is to relive my days with James without giving a shit about anyone's reality but my own.

I see the news of the battle from the airport and I shut the TV. I promised him I will return home, I promised him I will forget his name. He needed this so he can find some peace. Fair or unfair, no matter how my mind hates this idea, I need to do it. I take the burgundy t-shirt that he gave me the first night I slept here and I put it in the bag along with a few printed pictures and I take a black cap of his and put it on my head.

I find the sling ring the Ancient One gave and I walk to the living room taking one last look at it. I put the rings on my fingers and I just know this time, I can open the portal to Kamar-Taj. I felt happiness, sadness, I was angry, I felt disgusted at times, I was sick, I was confused, I was miserable, I was bothered, I felt astonishment, I felt clueless at times, I felt delighted. I felt physical and mental pain. I had lazy days and I had productive days. I felt panic, but I felt pleasure too. I lived moments no one can take away. I had a best friend, I fell in love with him. I felt loved, I felt love. I still feel it.

I see the sparks forming a circle and I see Kamar-Taj in front of me and I smile passing through the portal. Mordo greets me confused as he is in the open court watching the trainees.

"You're back." He says and I shake my head laughing. "And you came through a portal. Hmm, what it was? Three years? I have never met a slower learner before." He jokes and I roll my eyes looking at him.

"Hi to you too, Karl." I smile fist-bumping him. "So? Can I have my old room back?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Actually no, but the one in front of it is free if you want it." He tells me and I nod. "I'll take you to it."

"So where's everyone?" I ask and he sighs telling me Wong has been bumped up to librarian, and he spends most of his time there now. He tells me that Kaecilius has turned to the dark dimension, but I already knew that would happen. It's weird how three years ago the three of them were such good friends, along with Daniel Drumm, the guy who brought me first to Kamar-Taj.

"The Ancient One would be happy to hear you arrived." He tells me as I drop my bag in my room. He waits for me outside and we go back to the yard. "So let's see what you've got." He says I laugh telling him I have just learned to open portals, but he insists on me conjuring weapons out of thin air using universal energy. I roll my eyes as I see him doing his so proudly while I can barely make a line. I feel little sparks in my hands and I laugh looking at Mordo.

"I will so win this." I smile looking at the soft line between my hands and I see Mordo coming at me. I curl up rolling away instinctively as I was doing while I was training with James and Mordo looks surprised at me. He comes at me and I manage to escape all his hits.

"Who taught you that?"He chuckles surprised.

"The Winter Soldier." I smile conjuring my little line weapon and I make it in the shape of an arrow throwing it at him. He shakes his head laughing and dodges it and I see him coming at me but because I was so preoccupied to draw my imaginary line for protection I didn't have enough time to run away from him so I watch as the whiplash in his hands comes after me and I place my fists in front of my face bringing my arms close together in front of my head so I can protect it and I can see the whiplash circling around my arms but never touching them. I let go of my fist and as I pull my arms apart the golden conjured whiplash breaks. Mordo stops his movements and I look back at him just as confused.

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