Chapter 4: No skills whatsoever

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"Good morning class!" I smile entering the classroom of the fifth grade and it gets quiet and all the kids sit down silently watching me. "My name is Y/n Y/l/n and I will be your English teacher this year." I smile and they look a bit confused at me. Okay maybe speaking in English is not the greatest approach. "Can you understand me?" I ask and they look at me like I am an alien. I chuckle nervously. "Okay... Eu sunt Y/n. Eu sunt din United States of America. [I am Y/n. I am from the USA]" I look at them and they nod. "Sunt profesorul vostru de English. [I am your English teacher]" as I speak I realize my Romanian is really worse than I thought.

"Profesoara." a girl from the front row corrects me and I chuckle nervously. I realize I didn't quite comprehend all the gender words they have in Romanian.

"Right ... profesoara vostru." I smile

"Voastra" [yours feminine gender]. The girl corrects me again and I nod nervously.

"Profesoara voastra. Okay..." I look in my notebook at my lecture plan and I sigh. "We're going to open the books at page 10." I say mimicking the actual opening of a book. These kids are really quiet and they seem to listen to me so after I skip the first 20 minutes of weird conversation, I find a little boy in the thirds row who can actually speak English really well and I start using him as my little personal translator.

I feel my head exploding after just 50 minutes of teaching and I didn't think this would be so hard. The second hour is actually a bit easier as I teach the seven graders and their English is already quite good so I have a lot of kids I can actually work with, the only problem is that they seem quite agitated. Next period should be even easier though as I have a class with the eighth graders.

I walk towards the class and I can hear yelling and fighting. I enter the classroom but it's like only two people notice me as the rest are in the back of the room yelling at each other. I watch confused trying to draw their attention towards me but it's like I am invisible.

"Hey!" I shout and finally, everyone looks at me. They eye me up and down and some boys are actually taller than me. They smirk to themselves. "Ia un loc [Take a seat]" I say looking at them and I can see them laughing but they actually do as I say. " My name is Y/n Y/ln. I am from the USA and I will be your English teacher this year. Now, how about we get to know each other and everyone says their name and something about them. Okay?" I start speaking and I can already spot the class clown as he sits in the last row and makes some remark in Romanian I wish I understood. Why is it that only the people in the first two rows are actually attentive? As I get to the alpha guy of the class I can already sense I will have some troubles with this one.

"My name is Alex and you looking good teach!" He smirks looking at me and I nod.

"It's you are looking good. And you have to say something about yourself." I press my lips into a thin line as he nods.

"Alright! I have for you a very large di-"

"Okay, stop talking. There's no way to approach a woman, nonetheless your teacher. Principle office now." he really got on my last nerve at this point.

"Funny you think you're still in the USA" he raises his brow at me laughing mockingly. The class starts to laugh and I gulp watching them. This is bad. This is really bad. I feel a lump in my throat. "Cat got your tongue Teach?" He asks me and I shoot him the deadliest glare I can.

"One more time you call me like that and you will fail the class this term." I say and he clicks his tongue standing up coming my way.

"You still don't seem to understand, Teach. You can fail me all you want. I'll still graduate. Welcome to Romania." He winks as he heads for the door and I hope he is own his way to the principal office. I sigh and the class gets a little buzz. He doesn't even bother to close the door and I roll my eyes heading that way. I see him saluting a professor walking down the hallway.

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