Chapter 33: No other day but today

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I am lost in my head.

I am lost in my feelings.

I am lost in my choices.

I stare at the temped on the nightstand and I can feel my soul breaking in two. Part of it wants to leave while the other one wants to stay. He is Nathaniel. I remember it so clearly now. I remember the exact feeling of being next to him in the same room. I remember how much we used to laugh. I remember how calm I was around him. I remember how I found love in a place I wasn't supposed to be. I remember how scared I was it was all just a dream, the fear was so strong that it actually sent me back home.

I find him looking out a window as I walk barefoot in his room. I am not sure why my feet traced me back to him. I am not sure if I want to yell at him, kill him or hug him. He senses my presence and turns to look at me. I know logically that every sane person would have left by now, but I cannot. I am not even sure why I linger so much on every step.

Nothing makes sense anymore. I can see Kang in front of my eyes but at the same time, I see Nathaniel there. I can see the man who tortured my husband in front of me and at the same time I see the man who has vowed that he will love me until the end of time and I cannot make sense of what I am feeling.

"Take it off." I let my words roll off my tongue and he blinks looking at me not moving a muscle. I don't say anything as I get closer to him. I stop one foot away from him and I can feel his breathing increasing. He looks into my eyes and I know he had just decided to give in into my request.

He sighs pressing his lips into a thin line. He takes all the armour off that is simply attached to a disc and places that disc on the window counter. He turns his attention to me and I take another step towards him, now inches away from his body.

I turn around as my fingers move all my hair on one side of my body.
"Now take this off." I request gulping as I wait for him to do so. I cannot see his face but I know he is reconsidering this. I can hear his heart beating at a chaotic pace. I am not moving a muscle as I look straight in front of me.

Nathaniel's fingers softly touch the clasp of the necklace and I can see it coming off. I turn around feeling his breathing on my face as he watches me carefully. I look into his dark eyes and at those plump parted lips and I swallow the air between us.

"Dance with me." he smiles with sad eyes at my attempt to linger some more on this moment.

"You're leaving." He states gulping and looking at me. He has ignored my request.

"Just dance with me." I close my eyes not wanting to think about anything anymore. He is not moving a muscle and I know he won't do it. He never did do it.

I turn around disappointed and walk away from him only to hear the acoustic version of Leave a Light on through the speakers. I turn around and he looks down clenching his jaw and reaching his arm to me.

I feel my eyes welling up seeing him. I take slow steps to meet his body and neither of us says a thing. I let my hand meet one of his, and he put his other hand on my waist pulling me closer. I feel the air leaving the room as my eyes focus on his, even the music feels blurry now.

He smiles softly at me sliding his leg on the floor and my legs follow him as I let a gentle chuckle escape my mouth. He bites his bottom lip, stretching his arm swirling my body with the lead that his fingers have on my hand. I can feel his hand tightening around my ribs as the other brings my hand and places it around his neck, trailing my arm until his fingers reach the other side of my waist.

I gulp realizing I have forgotten how to breathe and his eyes smile as my hand caresses the back of his neck. I lean closer to him closing the gap between our bodies and his breathing increases as my eyes crave his lips. I can hear my heart pounding in my chest as rhythmically as his breathing.

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