Chapter 20: No promise broken

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"Agamotto?" I start laughing hearing Loki and he watches me confused.

"Yes. Agamotto. What is so funny about this?" He asks and I cannot do it anymore. I am definitely feeling the crazy catching up with me. I cannot control my laugh. I hold my hand on my tummy cause it feels like it hurts. This is by far the top 3 craziest things I have heard while being in this universe and it's definitely number one.

"That is insane Loki." I burst into laughter again just thinking about it. I cannot be the daughter of Earth's first Sorcerer Supreme. I cannot be the daughter of the All-Seeing. I cannot be the granddaughter of one of the Elder Gods.

"More insane than you being merely a normal human born from regular people in a no magic dimension, a person who did not encounter anything strange in her much so ordinary life and yet is able to travel inter-dimensionally, to practice sorcery, to take the power of infinity stones and use it against Thanos, and to change a timeline? Cause for me that is actually more insane." Loki speaks and I feel my legs giving out little by little.

"It's the spell. It's a shield. I didn't do anything. I was brought here by something, by someone. Some spell went wrong in Spiderman: No way home but I don't know what caused it. I did not see the movie so I don't know how I got here, but I'm guessing if Toby and Andrew were rumored to appear and they are from different universes, maybe that's how I ended up here. I don't know Loki." I feel as if I am talking at such a high rate I feel like I am out of air. "I cannot be Agamotto's daughter.", I add trying to remember everything from my childhood. "It cannot be a lie. My parents never told me I was adopted. It cannot be a lie. My life cannot be a lie." I whisper and I feel two arms wrapping around me.

"I know. I know it's terrible. I know exactly what you're going through." Loki whispers to me and I remember how Odin actually kidnapped him and raised him as his own. "All elders are full of secrets", Loki adds and I glare at him.

"No, my parents are not." I say trying to calm down and I feel his hand gently rubbing my back. I move away suddenly not feeling comfortable with him anymore.

"I understand Y/n..." I hear Loki's call but I step away further from him. "Y/n!" He shouts following me.

"What?" I turn to face him annoyed "You don't understand! Alright? You dropped this bomb in front of me and guess what? I cannot run to my parents and ask them if it's true like you did with Odin. You don't understand! I am stuck in this stupid universe and now I am stuck in this fucking TVA bullshit. And what? Am I suddenly supposed to believe you? You betrayed everyone in your life and all of a sudden I am supposed to put my trust in you?" I roll my eyes not knowing what is true and real anymore. I look at the world around me and I see the smokescreen in front of me and I run towards the volcano.

I hear desperate cries and people running away bumping into me. I walk towards the hot molten rock and I can already feel the heat coming closer. I cannot think about anything anymore. I want to be back home. I want to be with James. I miss him calming me down. I want to return to my universe with him. I want to be as far as possible from this universe. I am about 8 feet away from the lava and it feels like I am in hell.

"You don't have to trust me. Hell, I don't even trust myself." I hear Loki as he grabs my arm softly. "But I made a promise when I was a kid. It's a promise I never broke and I don't intend on doing it now." I feel my whole body jumping through that teleportation device. We end up in an old city near the sea. I look at Loki confused. "Helike, Greece. Tsunami." He tells me and I turn around aimlessly.

I remember my mom from when I was a kid, I remember my dad, and my life in LA, everything I once knew cannot be a lie. I am part of that universe. These are just movies. It's all movies. I need to wake up.

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