Chapter 32: Not a Variant

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It's been awfully quiet for the past few days. Kang did not talk to me, not that I have made any contact, he did not even leave any of his notes. He did nothing to appease or annoy me in any way.

He left me all alone with my own thoughts and a very long schedule of training, which has become really difficult now that he put the necklace back around my neck. He did not seem to leave the place at all, but he did spend quite a lot of time in his locked room.

I tried opening a portal in that room but no magic works in that place, just like in the TVA it didn't work. I know I have to do this the old fashioned way, so I hide behind a column, stalking him as he seems to go to that room so much.

He is hiding something. I need to know what is in there. I wait for him to get out and I count the seconds knowing I have exactly a five-second door to enter the room before it shuts down and locks itself. I can make it, I've studied him. He thinks I am training now and he can hear the recording coming from the training room making it sound like I am in there. He won't look behind him.

He's out of range as he took the corner and I make a run as the door slowly closes. I slip inside the room right before it closes and I tilt my head confused. There is nothing in this room, but a 35-40 inches pillar-looking thing. I approach the built-in piece and I realize it's a remote of some sort.

I tap on the screen and a pop-up comes on with a "resume from last timestamp" message. Is he playing a video game in here? I tap on "yes" and a screen on the wall comes together out of thin air. I gasp seeing myself wearing nothing but a robe, laying in a bed with none other than Kang. Okay, what weird fetish game is Kang playing?

"Are you sure this is not a dream?" The girl resembling me smiles as she lies on Kang's chest.

I am about to throw up. What the fuck is this? I can feel my heart picking up its pace as I watch these familiar characters play out in front of me.

"I am sure, little firefly." He chuckles.

"I still cannot believe there is a whole world hidden here." She stands up and looks out the window. "It's still hard to grasp that all this exists." She smiles surprised. I am not sure where this is happening as I have never seen that place. It does look beautiful, so different from the Citadel, or even this place I am right now. The room is golden and the view outside looks like a mash of planets together full of colours I never thought existed and it feels so lively.

"And it's all ours." Kang steps behind her wrapping one arm around her waist as the other hand finds hers and he brings it to his mouth kissing it.

"If this is a dream, I pray I never wake up." She states calmly slowly turning around and kissing him.

They seem so at peace with each other. They seem so ... in love with each other. I gulp not understanding how that is even possible. I try to understand what is this footage and why Kang has it, moreover why he hides it.

He doesn't want me to find this.

What the hell is this?

Why is that girl looking like me? I thought I didn't have variants. Maybe they were wrong.

I fast forward looking at Kang and this mysterious girl. They seem to have spent a lot of time together.

They are walking together and the civilization of this city they are in seems to bow down at their sight. A little girl runs in front of them handing a flower to Kang and he smiles down at her taking it. He turns to my variant and smiles looking at her as he places the flower behind her ear.

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