Chapter 12: Not knowing

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I step through the portal into the field of Wakanda and I gaze upon the city around me. I am looking at the strange buildings and I am astonished by them. I have seen Wakanda on the big screen in the cinema, but it is not even close to the real thing. Looking at the peek of technology evolution gives me chills. Behind me, there's the field where I've seen my heroes fight Thanos and in front of me is the uttermost beautiful scenery I have ever seen.

I see three Doja Milaje coming my way with their spears looking suspicious at me. I gulp realizing I again have not prepared myself for this encounter and I strongly depend on my improvising skills to take the lead.

"I mean you no harm," I say and I probably should have just shut up. I see them laughing at me and I frown not knowing what is going on.

"I suppose Shuri won the bet." One looks at the other two rolling her eyes and I am now left with confusion running through my veins.

"She was not truly right." Another one speaks.

"No, but she is going to love this."  The tallest one says and I chuckle nervously reaching the highest level of blurriness in my mind.

"What are you waiting for? Come on!" They tell me and I look behind me not even sure they are talking to me at this point. "Yes, you. Follow us." They speak and for some reason, I thought they would be a little more polite, but I guess they have no need for introduction.

I follow them into a building and we go into an elevator that looks so cool I gawk my eyes at it. I cannot believe I am here. Sure, Kamar-Taj was amazing, but this is extraordinary. A gate opens and I see the small figure of a girl working on three screens.

"We have brought a present." One of the Doja Milaje catches the attention of the girl and as she turns around I realize it is indeed Shuri. I smile looking at her but she gasps at the sight of me.

"Now this is what I am talking about." Shuri's smile lights up the place as she sees me. "That's love bitch." She chuckles staring at me. "Ladies, I think now it is time for you to pay what is due." Shuri leaves no room for anyone to speak as her enthusiasm is emanated through her words. "Wow, bring it in you, amazing human being." She opens her arms and hugs me and I am going to need some explanation for what's going on.

"I don't understand." I frown smiling looking around.

"You are Bucky's ex, are you not?" Shuri looks confused at me and I chuckle hearing that. It is so weird to hear it out loud. Bucky's ex, woah, that's harsh.

"I am confused." I shake my head. "My name is Y/n." I say and she nods smiling.

"Yes! I know who you are, Bucky told us a lot about you." She chuckles and I smile as that still didn't explain everything. "I told them you two are going to end up together. Even bet on it, but you have managed to exceed my expectations finding him here." Shuri explains and I nod.

"He did?" I ask surprised. He told me to forget his name and he goes on telling people about me. I suppose he did tell me that thinking Hydra will get him. I can't believe it's been six months since I last saw him.

"We had a lot of time during the session while I was fixing his mind. You were all I heard about. You came here just in time though." Shuri tells me and I feel so exposed for some reason.

"So where is he? Can I see him?" I ask not being able to wait anymore.

"No." She says and I furrow my forehead really taken aback by her response. "Ay, don't give me that look. He is resting. You can see him in the morning." She tells me and I don't understand.

"Look, I really need to see him now." I say stepping towards her and I see all three Doja Milaje crossing their spears in front of me. This is crazy. Shuri waves at the female guards and they take the spears back. I see Shuri tapping on her screen and I see a video popping up. I see James' face on the screen and my heart melts.

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