Chapter 7

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Just a TW, this chapter talks about eating disorders!
     You guys ever have those days where you just can't bring yourself to doing anything and just feel unmotivated?

Well today was one of those days.

I know I act hard and act as if I'm not hurting but I'll be so honest dealing with heart break isn't easy at all.

I know I'm young and I know that marriage is like too soon but I really thought I was ready and I really thought it would've been Zane.

I even told my mom about him and siblings about him because I actually was serious about it.

The way we met was funny not gonna lie but it was memorable.

It was about two years ago....


He's older than me so he was 18 and I was 15. I know it's weird I understand it now.

I was in a heated argument with my brother at the mall and was yelling at him.

Now I don't remember what we fighting over but it was over something.

All I remember is him walking away from me and me heading towards the bench and putting my face in my hands.

I remember being so stressed and thinking how annoying siblings can be and how I hate being the youngest.

A guy then tapped on my shoulder and asked if I was okay and I just explained what happened.

He was actually really cute. His eyes were like a brown honey color and he had a beard.

He was just a little bit taller than me which was kinda annoying, but honestly that's on me I'm just freakishly tall for a girl. 

He asked for my name and where I was from and so we talked about that but then my brother called so I had to go.

I ran out of the mall and ran to Adam's car because I knew if I stalled or if he saw me with a boy he would've been pissed.

I began to feel bad because I couldn't answer his question.

However, I heard my phone ding and saw that he messaged me.

Damn I guess he knew who I was all along but I just never acknowledged his existence.

I stalked his profile but I saw he was in college so I immediately got a weird vibe.

Yeah no this can't ever happen I'm way too young.

I then decided that me and him would just be friends.

Well now to talk about him... well y'all know his name his name is Zane.

He's from Iran which is pretty cool honestly because I don't know many Iranians. Even though there are a bunch here in California.

He has an older sister and a younger brother so he's a middle child.

He's majoring in global affairs and is into all that stuff and works at a bank.

He was surprised to hear that I was 15 and that apparently I look older for my age.

I've gotten that a lot once I hit puberty, in fact some people even thought I was older than Sophia.

I also wasn't a hijabi at the time, I didn't decide to wear one until like pretty recently. I'm going to get to that part of the story soon don't worry.

Ugh honestly I hate my past so much but honestly I've learned to stop caring so much about it and not letting it define me.

Because I know who I am now and I know what I want from my life and my purpose.

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