Chapter 8

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     "MAFESH 7AGA TIGI KIDA EH DA 7ABIBI" I hear the ugliest voice in the world sing, and I groan and flip over to see my sister dancing with her kids.

"SHUT UP." I exclaim as I try to cover my ears with a pillow. Why can't she stay at her own house I'm so tired.

She puts on her coin belly dancing belt and continues to dance obnoxiously, and I pick up a pillow and throw it at her.

"Go home."

She rolls her eyes and continues to dance and Anaya comes right next to be and snuggles with me.

I give her some of the blanket and then close my eyes again.

"Zara come on wake up you have school." Sophia says as she turns off the music.


I wasn't in the mood of hearing Nancy Ajram + my sister's ugly signing voice this early.

"La2 shukran (no thank you)." I say as I roll over.

I really don't feel like going to school. Senior year has just been so dreadful I just want to lay in bed at home all day.

Like school, football, trying to be my best version of myself, and college applications all at once ugh it's seriously too much.

And it's annoying because it seems like everyone around me has figured their life out except me. I feel so behind.

My mom is generally really supportive with me but I see how her and dad are with Sophia they just seem so proud. I don't blame them honestly she is such a boss b*tch.

She is literally doing it all and while being a mom and she manages to make it look good.

She sits down set to me and squeezes my shoulder.

"Zara come on you don't wanna be late." I look up to her and see her blue eyes twinkling and her making a pouty face.

She isn't wearing any makeup but she literally looks flawless.

She literally looks like she could be a hadid sister.

Not sure where genetics went wrong with me.

I sigh and roll out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. Time to shower!

After I showered, I picked out my outfit and then did some light makeup.

I just filled in my brows, wore brown lipstick, and used bronzer and concealer.

I honestly don't really like using foundation, I rarely ever use it.

Plus like I have practice so I can't come looking all caked face, it'd just cause my skin to break out later.

I curl my lashes and then spritz on some perfume and grab my keys.

Time to go to the hellhole. I'm so excited YAYY (not).

I run down the stairs and then make my way to the kitchen.

"I made pancakes, eat some before you go." Sophia says and I make a face. I don't really feel that hungry today to be honest.

She raises a brow and I roll my eyes, she's not gonna let me go unless I eat.

I sigh and take a seat and munch on the pancakes.

"Do you want anything else? Juice anything?" She asks and I shake my head. I just want to go and come back.

"Okay drink water then." She says as she pours me a glass and she hands it over.

I honestly really appreciate Sophia like she really is a good sister. She's really helped me through a lot growing up even though I've always consistently annoyed her in every way possible.

The hijabi tomboyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora