Chapter 23

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"Wow are you really that excited to see me?" He says which causes Saad to whine.

"Oh man she has a husband."

I give him a look, "he is-."

Haris comes over and puts an arm around me, "Isn't it great that we both are here in Michigan wifey?"


Okay that's kind of cute.

But also kind of cringe.

I'm so traumatized that a lot of stuff just cringes me out now.

I throw his arm off me, "In your dreams you leech."

Saad hollers, "AYYY I do have a chance then."

Raymond shuts him up for me, "Boy she can probably bend you in half."

Saad rolls his eyes, "Don't be jealous Ray, at least I'll be getting some action unlike you."

Raymond gives him a look, "I'm married?"

I look at the head coach and give a deer in front of headlights look.

This is so unfair.

This little khara (sh*t) was able to bag both UCLA and Michigan? This is so unfair.

He wouldn't even be in this place if Drey wasn't even injured.

UCLA wasn't enough for you? You really just had to come here too?


The head coach interrupts the boys bickering and my train of thought, "I gotta say that your school breeds some of the best athletes."

I glare at Haris and head over to the assistant coach, "Okay let's go have that tour now."

I know it isn't his fault. He's just a good player and he did play at his old school.

Me not being good enough is not his fault.

"This right here are the dorms." The assistant coach says.

I don't think I'll be dorming.

No thank you.

I need my space, I cannot share a bathroom or not have a kitchen.

I spend a lot of time alone and honestly I'm used to it.

I don't need "roomies" to come and overstimulate me.

The assistant coach's phone starts to go off with notifications.

"Oh shoot, I just realized I have to be somewhere. I'm so sorry to cut this short but do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. We really do hope you decide to commit to Michigan. It's a pleasure to meet you, and I hope you enjoy your stay here." He says as he types something on his phone.

"Thank you so much for everything, I'll definitely let you know." I say with a smile and he then begins to start running towards one of the buildings.

Great now I have to explore the rest of this place by myself.

That's when I see a hijabi girl walking down the hall. She's on the phone and going off in Arabic.

From her accent she seems to be Jordanian.

She looks so put together. She is wearing a white blouse with a pink pleated skirt. She paired the outfit with gold jewelry, a pink hijab, white stilettos, and a Chanel bag.

If Blair Waldorf was a hijabi... well it would be this girl.

I look down at my outfit... gosh I look like a whole bum next to her.

The hijabi tomboyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt