Chapter 26

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    Before I knew it, it was time for me to head back to good ol' California.

I look out the window and see flurries trickle down from the sky.

I obviously don't see snow at home so yeah you can say that I'm lowkey excited right now.

I take a seat in front of a pillar that is several feet away from the window and I lean against it.

Break from Toronto starts playing through my headphones and I increase the volume.

Not gonna lie a plus side of living here is that Toronto is a 5 hour drive.

Or just a one hour plane ride.

And I really do love Toronto. It seriously is an underrated place and the views are just unreal.

Plus legends come out of the 6ix.

Like The Weeknd, Drake, Party Next Door, Majid Jordan...

They literally make up 85% of my playlist.

My thoughts get interrupted by an announcement made by the loud speaker.

"Flight DAL407 has been delayed due to inclement weather..."

I hear someone yell out "BRUH" which then lead to a bunch of groans and complaints.

Man how long is this flight delayed.

I take off my headphones and head over to the screen that displayed flights, and see that the flight is delayed by 8 hours.

My forehead wrinkles from frustration and I take out my phone to call my dad.

There are a few rings before he picks up.


"BABA, THIS FLIGHT IS DELAYED." I whine and I hear him sigh.

He doesn't say anything so I continue ranting, "Why couldn't I just take one of the private jets?"

He sighs once again, "We have went over this before, this is my way of making you humble. Your brother and sister went through the same thing, it's why you all are also in public school. This is how you guys will build character."

I will never understand this logic.

Like okay if that's the case why do I still have designer items and a hot rich car?

And why do we use the jets when we go on family trips?

I don't even bother saying all this because then he'll go on and on about how he's the rich one, and that we aren't rich and that we need to work hard.

"Baba..." I whine and he interrupts me, "My princess you will be okay, I'm checking your flight right now and it's only a few hours."


8 hours is now only a few???

I'm gonna have a fit, how will I sleep here?

"Baba how will I sleep?" I say in a sad voice and he sighs in defeat.

"Okay you know what I can send one of my friends and he can escort you to one of the airline lounges."

Okay I don't know if I want any of my baba's buddies hovering over me.

"You know what it's fine I'll sleep on the floor like Cinderella since I'm a 'princess' after all." I say which causes him to laugh.

"You're too much Zara, okay I need to go. See you soon inshallah."

So unhelpful.

"Bye baba."

I head back to my pillar spot and see that someone took it.

Um did they not see MY STUFF sitting there.

I walk over to go and be a Karen but then I notice that it's Haris.

Wasn't his flight yesterday?

This guy is a major weirdo if he purposely made sure that he got into the same flight as me.

"Move you're in my spot." I say and he turns to look at me.

"Are you stalking me or something? Why are you here?"

Excuse me?

He's the stalker here.

I didn't change my flight at all.

"You wish, I been having this flight. You on the other hand were supposed to leave like yesterday."

He puts a hand on his heart, "Aw you remembered my flight?" This causes me to my eyes to do a full 360.

"Shut it and slide over weirdo." I say and he slides to the left.

I go back to my original spot and lean against the pillar, "Can't even leave my stuff anywhere because I'll just come back to some weirdo hovering over em."

"You're welcome for watching your stuff by the way, what I should've done is sell them."

"Yeah and sell them to who?"

He points out the window, "I don't know dudes from Detroit be on something they'd buy it."

"Well they're more normal than you, you're the weirdo who'd want to buy my stuff."

He laughs, "Why would I want sweaty clothes and mascara?"

I gasp, "I am not sweaty, in fact I take pride in my hygiene."

He raises a brow and says, "what's that smell?" He then pinches his nose.

I smack his shoulder and he holds on to it, "Domestic violence." He says as he dramatically looks out the window.

"You're seriously sick in the head." I say as I cuddle next to my stuff.

My items are going to be my bed and pillow because I don't have one.

"Anyways you didn't answer my question why are you on this flight?"

He shifts to the window that is across and leans against it, "Got cancelled."

He's lying.

"You're lying."

He shook his head, "La Wallah I'm not."

I sigh and watch the snow fall down, "So did you decide where you're gonna ball?"

"Did you?"

He's annoying.

"I asked you first pal."

He looks down at his hands, "I'll be honest I don't know yet, do you?"

I nod.

He looks at me and gives me a look.

"Man what?"

He shakes his head, "Woman..." I give him a look and he quickly fixes himself, " I mean where are you going to commit to?"

I put my hands up, "Michigan."

He nods his head in approval, "Valid."

I lay my head on my stuff and he carries on, "Man all the moe moneys are gonna be simping over you."

I immediately cringe.

"Please stop, Cali Moe calls himself moe money so please don't say that."

"Speaking of Cali Moe, you know I used to think he had a crush on you."

This causes my head to jolt up, "QUE?"

Moe is literally like a family friend. I could never see him like that.

And I know he feels the same way too plus I'm not even his type.

"Man what even possessed you to come up with this conclusion?" I ask.

His answer afterwards takes me by shock.

End of chapter! I'm going to finish this story soon just bear with me y'all. Vote, comment, tell your friends and BYE! 

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